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  • Users: Zoxc
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  1. Z


    Here's a description of the modules within this project. Prelude - C++ template library containing useful functionality used by other modules. SWL - This is a C library to create a window and a OpenGL (ES) context. It will be used to glue Scale Daemon with the underlying system. It's also...
  2. Z

    Rainy Day - Game Project

    Looks like you'll have to up your game :D
  3. Z

    RIOT Tag-Team coding competition

    I'm interested in contributing with the programming part of some 2D game, unless it will be written in Python...
  4. Z

    Premium Price

    Dontations :rolleyes:
  5. Z

    Premium Price

    I'm kinda of wondering why the premium price is so steep and if a lower price would make it a more feasable option for people (and thus more money to OpenPandora). Another option would be a reduced price to upgrade if new units really need to be priced that high. What do you think?
  6. Z

    Pandora Apps, it's alive!

    I like the � that appears before the document on the app pages.
  7. Z

    Xmoto 0.2.6

    If you want find out why X-Moto results in a black screen, here is my OpenGL ES 1.1 patch:, configure with --with-renderer-openGlEs=1, checkout X-Moto from SVN. The OpenGL ES port is not complete as it seems to crash when going in-game on Ubuntu...
  8. Z

    About Replacement Styli

    I could see it happening if XStylus became the default for Pandora, but I doubt OpenPandora has the budget for that at the moment.
  9. Z

    About Replacement Styli

    I kinda got the impression that that was for DS Lite only, and a separate Pandora project might happen.
  10. Z

    About Replacement Styli

    I'm just wondering if there are any updates on this thing :)
  11. Z


    Kristian Høgsberg's Wayland is a step further. I might even make a Scale backend for it, though I don't know how well that work on the Pandora.
  12. Z


    The idea is to replace X11 -> cairo -> GTK -> Application with Scale -> River -> Application. I plan on adding cairo support too for compatibility (GTK) and to get an drawing API to use.
  13. Z


    Scale is a project I've been working on a while (you'll find threads on the other forums if you look hard enough). It's a project to replace X11 with an OpenGL ES 2.0 based window manager. You may have seen a or two for earlier...
  14. Z

    The best web browser?

    I'd like to see a recent Midori (maybe even 0.3.0, although that may or may not be unstable).
  15. Z

    Post picks and first impressions of your shiny new Pandora here!

    Wootson: You don't happen to have this in a larger resolution/without JPEG-artifacts. It appears to be the nicest picture of a Pandora I've seen :)
  16. Z

    Port My Game?

    I'd say OpenVG is a decent candidate if you want to use vector graphics, but the game seems pretty simple (and it's using raster for all the graphics?) so SDL + GLES2D is probably easier.
  17. Z

    Pics From Mweston: Silk Screen Design

    OpenPandora should register with the Bluetooth SIG for an Adopter membership which gains you the license to use the real Bluetooth icon and it's free. There is probably an approval processes and/or weird conditions, but I really don't like that BitTorrent icon. I also feel that the of the text...
  18. Z

    I Think I've Went Insane.

    Is it just me or does these paper Pandoras seem slimmer every time?
  19. Z

    Direct (close-to-the-metal) open-source SGX driver

    You could of course just write an OpenGL (ES 2.0) driver ontop of libsgx, but maciek_urbanski has no intension to do so.
  20. Z

    Space RTS

    There is two things I'd like to know. Who is "we"? Is it the kind of RPG where I could upgrade/maintain a spaceship and shoot other spaceships using the thumbsticks? ^_^