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  1. J

    Can't Power My Gp2x With Batteries, What Now?

    Here's the story: The joystick on my 2X was "dislocated" and I spent 10 minutes trying to fix it by turning and swirling the stick. At that point I got pissed off. I decided to open up the GP2X and see exactly why this was happening. I unscrewed the back, took it off, and saw that the main board...
  2. J

    Cps2emu Test Version 8

    Very good release. Love the menu The only missing thing I can think of is simple Button Mapping (including 3P and 3K)
  3. J

    Cps2emu Test Version 6 And Capex Beta 2 Released

    I dont have a 16:9 monitor, but I can tell you with absolute certainty that the entire screen would definitely not be shown. What you see on the 2X screen is what will be outputted to the TV: No widescreen output
  4. J

    Arcade Usb Joystick

    Anybody tried this N64/PS2 adapter? I really want to know if this will work. It works with windows, but its pretty shotty, sometimes it connects fine, sometimes you gotta try it a couple times. Pretty annoying, but there's not another...
  5. J

    What A Month..

    Wow, I'm an idiot for not catching that. Yeah, I contacted him last week about a d-pad mod. I'm in the US, and he said that shipping would be a huge cost, around $38. Anybody got a dpad mod service in the US?
  6. J

    Cps2emu Test Version 6 And Capex Beta 2 Released

    ooooo, just found something cool you can use /nvram/ for .nv files from MAME. apparently CPS2EMU doesnt save .nv files, but it can load them. I looked into this because i'm a Marvel v SF addict and i got tired of going into the test menu and changing shit every time I play. Once again...
  7. J

    Cps2emu Test Version 6 And Capex Beta 2 Released

    Ok, I have a problem. Show FPS seems to be broken. I think everything else works fine. Thanks! EDIT: forget it, i'm using the horizontal hw rescale, and i missed the part in the readme where it says "showfps: not support in hw-rescale mode" so as far as i can tell, everything works fine...
  8. J

    What A Month..

    ED? there doesn't appear to be an "ED" in the member list, can you point me to his profile or email. I really want a d-pad.
  9. J

    Pocketsnes Released

    Thanks Reesy Hopefully this project will put SNES emulation in the category of "Completed"
  10. J

    Gmenu2x V0.8 Released

    It only flickers for me when I use TV-Out. I hate that.
  11. J

    Cps2emu Test Version 6 And Capex Beta 2 Released

    CPS2EMU and CAPEX are freaking unbelievable. Just look at what we have been given in less than a month. That being said..... I guess I'll add to the list of suggestions/requests: CPS2EMU: -Pause button is needed. I really like GnGeo's pause screen where you can save and load states. I think...
  12. J

    Cps2emu Test Version 5

    WOW, I cant wait for this. The PERFECT companion for cps2emu! Thank you very much
  13. J

    Which D-pad To Use For Mod?

    Damn, I might need to get this aswell. Freaking CPS2 VS games are absolutely destroying my stock joystick. And of course, a d-pad would be awesome
  14. J

    Cps2emu Test Version 5

    Damn, you work just like ell: very quickly! Any chance you want to post this? I'd love to try it out Thanks
  15. J

    Cps2emu Test Version 5

    Good to know Damn he's doing great work
  16. J

    Cps2emu Test Version 4

    test version 5 is out,0,0,0,5,2006
  17. J

    Firmware 3.0.0 Released

    OK, let me clarify. It would be useful for testing purposes, but if end users had to load two or three firmwares that corresponded to compatibility for certain apps, that would blow. But it really doesnt matter right now, because nothing is broken with 3.0.0.......nothing is broken, right?
  18. J

    Firmware 3.0.0 Released

    Wow, it would be VERY sad if it came to that. Surely any firmware compatibility issues will be worked out before this becomes a necessity. That would just be too ridiculous...
  19. J

    Cps2emu Test Version 4

    I really dont see why not. Just make sure to give credit where it is due (NJ, ell) For hosting, you could always use a free file hosting service:
  20. J

    Firmware 3.0.0 Released

    Even so, thats the wrong direction to be going. GPH should make the boot time shorter, not slightly longer.