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  1. RoboShmup

    Shipping On The 4Th?

    I have been eaten by a Pleng :(
  2. RoboShmup

    Pandora 3D Remeshing

    If it is legal, I wouldn't mind you sending a copy my way. I have the STLs, but I would love to have one of these (for non commercial use of course).
  3. RoboShmup


    Also a video of gameplay on N900. There is still constant progress on Residual, but it's very slow progress. AFAIK you still can't save the game and it can't be completed due to bugs. Being my favorite game in the entire world and all (Grim...
  4. RoboShmup

    So This Sucks :(

    That does truly does suck, Shock-Socks. Suck shock socks... suck shock socks.. suck shock socks chock socks sucks socks shmocks... Sorry got carried away. Hope things work out for you.
  5. RoboShmup

    Random Memorabilia With Order?

    I just want my pizza bits.
  6. RoboShmup

    What Was Your Gaming History?

    I started off with a GameGear. I only had a few games for that thing, but still a very memorable experience. Sonic the Hedgehog 1 and 2, Itchy and Scratchy, and Battletoads. Yes, the first game I ever played was Battletoads. Went on to SNES afterward with more traditional gaming stuff like...
  7. RoboShmup

    I Am Not Canceling

    I love waiting! When my Pandora finally arrives, I'll just send it back and ask them to ship it to me in two months.
  8. RoboShmup

    Do You Like The New Mali's Avatar?

    [ ] Nothing more to do [ ] Increase post count [ ] School work [X] It really is important to know [ ] Other: ___________________ Don't know about you guys though.
  9. RoboShmup

    Whats Going On!

    I do want pizza bits in my Pandora.
  10. RoboShmup

    Movie "shorts" Has Pandora Logo

    The attack of the isometric cubes!
  11. RoboShmup

    'stuff' Arriving In Uk 22Nd March

    Hold on let me find it... Ah yes there it is: Keep on truckin' OP.
  12. RoboShmup


    Everybody panic! The Pandora has been canceled and replaced by the icontrolpad! The end is nigh! Whoops!
  13. RoboShmup

    Out Of Curiosity...

    20. I will be 6 when I receive my Pandora as well :)
  14. RoboShmup

    Edge Magazine's 100 Best Games To Play Today

    Have to heavily agree with you there! I'm really hoping there is some more progress on Residual sometime soon. Playable Grim Fandango on the Pandora would be a dream come true. (Hint to devs: go over and help them!)
  15. RoboShmup

    Here Is What Will Be Happening.

    Now that that's out of the way, I probably would accept this 'non perfect' version of the Pandora. I've always kinda seen the Pandora as a blocky old-school gadget sort of thing. Does things. Does them well. Isn't in it for the looks. Not saying that the thing is ugly, but it's nothing to...
  16. RoboShmup

    The Definative Must Have Playstation Games Thread

    Harmful Park Night Raid Um Jammer Lammy Zanac X Zanac
  17. RoboShmup

    The Cases: What's Done And What's Next?

    = The official emotion of the OpenPandora team. Also applies to everyone who has ordered a Pandora.
  18. RoboShmup

    Will <Insert Name Here> Work On The Pandora?

    Somewhat of a bump, but I need to ask. Will The Last Express work on the Pandora? PC game from 1997, for both Windows 95 and DOS It looks like it is fully compatible with DOSbox version 0.73, but I'm not too familiar of what port the Pandora uses (and if the ARM architecture makes any...
  19. RoboShmup

    What Games Will People Be Trying First?

    Super Metroid Link to the Past Super Mario 64 Final Fantasy VII Ocarina of Time StarFox 64 One of those. If Dreamcast emu could play Shenmue full speed, that would definitely be my first pick though.