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  1. slaeshjag

    Quite a bit for you to read!

    No, the problem is the speed and delay of signals going through the mux. EDIT: Just to clarify, specifically, that half the eMMC bus gets delayed by the MUX, but not the other half, meaning that half the data might change before the clock and the rest of the data is there. While moving the mux...
  2. slaeshjag

    Quite a bit for you to read!

    By the mux merely existing, it's slowing down both. Looking at the timings, it could be that eMMC is limited to SDR48 and µSD to DDR48, meaning both have a theoretical maximum of 48 MB/s (SI). One could really hope DDR48 is possible for eMMC, or at least SDR60, but I'm getting sceptical. Tests...
  3. slaeshjag

    Quite a bit for you to read!

    The eMMC used in the pyra can in theory easily exceed what any microSD could do on the same interface, in both read and write speed. Rated figures are something insane like 270 MB/s read, 140 MB/s write. Those read speeds are better than what the OMAP5 eMMC interface supports.
  4. slaeshjag

    Quite a bit for you to read!

    Depending on how tight space is, it might be do-able to put the µSD on a USB interface in a future CPU board revision. It would require a different USB-hub on the CPU board, as the current one has all lines used.
  5. slaeshjag

    Do you plan to produce the 2GB pyra?

    Considering how horribly bandwidth starved the pandora is (I mean really, A handful of layers of 2D with the CPU idle is enough to saturate the memory bus, and _aegis_ software opengl renderer have no problems saturating the memory bus either with just CPU code), it'd be foolish to risk having...
  6. slaeshjag

    Video edditing on the TI OMAP 5?

    Any openshot version I've used works great, apart from it crashing a couple times every five minutes. kdenlive is the only one I've come across that doesn't crash all the time and has a relatively intuitive user interface. I kina want to like cinelerra, but It's really weird to work with. Kino...
  7. slaeshjag


    (I have yet to see a USB-C connector in person)
  8. slaeshjag

    Solution to scanf 9.9999999 as a float ?

    What does strtod do that scanf with "%lf" doesn't do?
  9. slaeshjag

    Solution to scanf 9.9999999 as a float ?

    If you can't live with that loss of precision, especially with a double, you should really re-evaluate what you're spending your time on. If you really want an as-accurate-as-cumputers-could-possibly-get representation of a decimal fraction, you'll need to use something like libmpfr.
  10. slaeshjag

    Where are the antennas situated?

    the cellular antenna is the big boxy thing at the edge of the mainboard by the SD card slots.
  11. slaeshjag

    stationary desktop version?

    hns does plan to sell a devboard setup for the CPU board. So it is reasonable that a breakout board could be offered for the CPU board.
  12. slaeshjag

    Win10 running X86 on ARM

    To some extent, everything but properly set up 3D drivers are already in place.
  13. slaeshjag

    I'm worried about the Pyra's market performance.

    ^ Where those build servers windows-based by any chance? In my experience, windows has awful I/O performance, with large builds often taking an order of magnitude longer on the same disk/machine in windows as compared to linux.
  14. slaeshjag

    GPD Pocket

    It looks to me like the GPD pocket keyboard, just like the GPD win keyboard, is modeled after a 101/104 key keyboard, making it incompatible with all layouts using 102/105 keyboards, right?
  15. slaeshjag

    We've started to order things!

    To put a significant of charge in a battery in half an hour, you'd probably need to use high-current cells. You know, the ones that go thermonuclear when you bother them, that more or less all phone manufacturers but samsung stopped using long ago.
  16. slaeshjag

    We've started to order things!

    The 1.5 Watt rating is for the speaker out. No sane amplifier would ever pump 1.5 Watt into ordinary headphones.
  17. slaeshjag

    GPD Pocket

    Might be true, but they also don't give a toss about Linux. Windows is a big, BIG selling point over there.
  18. slaeshjag

    Pyra without decent web browser?

    I use a webkitgtk based browser. Nobody has tried locking me out in years, although that might be because almost all websites identify it as "Safari 8 on Linux", despite the Doris/0.1 at the end of my user agent. The main blocker is the tens of times a day when the window goes dark as webkit...
  19. slaeshjag

    GPD Pocket

    The GPD win battery just looks like a generic bare cell, you can get those off ebay if you feel brave.
  20. slaeshjag

    With full steam into the new year!

    Ever since I set up wake on lan on my desktop, I'll just wake it up right before I get up, it's all booted by the time I'm on my chair. I never turn off my laptop, although I probably should, to keep maintenance costs on it down.