Search results

  1. Vorporeal

    Touch Screen Test Request

    I can't take those test results at face value, as the human finger is inaccurate itself. They need to have a machine drawing perfectly straight lines (or they need to use a ruler) to really show the inaccuracy of the screen.
  2. Vorporeal

    Advice And Help Needed On Pandora

    One possibility that I didn't see in the previous pages is calling it a pockettop (pocket-top? pocket top? PocketTop?). It's got a pretty good ring to it, and is a nice parallel to laptop.
  3. Vorporeal

    Lets Discuss The New Cases

    IIRC, someone official said that MWeston should be able to make the final call based on these, as the newer cases that are being shipped (today?) only had a cosmetic fix (a bit of shrinkage that the mold company said is already fixed). Hopefully MWeston can green-light these... *hopeful*
  4. Vorporeal

    Content Ratings

    Seeing as you're not old enough (technically) to play M-rated/AO-rated games, you wouldn't be a very good candidate for doing ESRB-style ratings.
  5. Vorporeal

    Fcc/ce Testing... Passed!

  6. Vorporeal

    Fcc/ce Testing... Passed!

    There wasn't actually any FCC testing. CE testing is stricter than FCC testing. You don't need any specific testing for the FCC, the issue is that should the FCC ask about the product, you need to provide documents proving that the device meets all the requirements. Having the results from...
  7. Vorporeal

    Dosbox And .pnd-File Video ... Posted!

    I highly doubt it (read: not going to work, as it requires a 133MHz Pentium). It seems that HOMM2 might work though (requires a 486/33, 486/66 recommended).
  8. Vorporeal

    What To Put In Online Manual?

    I'm pretty sure it's still called a switch (I'm a native American English speaker, by the way).
  9. Vorporeal

    New Twitter Pics

    Unlikely. It probably won't be until Monday or Tuesday that MWeston receives the new case samples. It'll take him a day or two to check them, so that brings us to Wednesday. If he OKs them, that only leaves a week for cases, extension cables, and keymats to be manufactured, shipped to Texas...
  10. Vorporeal

    New Twitter Pics

    Whoops, I was referencing the wrong picture. Meant the picture of the top of the base, not the shoulder buttons... my bad.
  11. Vorporeal

    New Twitter Pics

    Hmm, judging by the "wider LCD cable slot" picture, these might have slightly better finish? It looks a bit more matte and a bit less "oily", but I can't be sure.
  12. Vorporeal

    Media Reports

    You can also remind them that even though the hardware might be a bit expensive, games will be much cheaper than their retail counterparts. Big companies sell cheap hardware and expensive games, you guys are selling moderately expensive hardware, and developers put out games for free or for cheap.
  13. Vorporeal

    New Twitter Pics

    Pictures are up. EDIT: New Cases: Fixed shoulder buttons: Wider LCD cable slot:
  14. Vorporeal

    Toms Hardware Article

    Really? I haven't heard of any devices that do that...
  15. Vorporeal

    Second Review Case Will Be Shipped Dec 23Rd

    Hahaha you're such a hypocrite... Keep it up, it's incredibly amusing. :)
  16. Vorporeal

    So What About A Manual Pdf?

    The FCC testing is a lie.
  17. Vorporeal

    Nintendo Sixty Fooooooooooooooooooour!

    Whoa buddy, slow down there. You're getting ahead of yourself. Let's not speculate about this - the speed we see in the videos of mupen running on Pandora hardware is the speed that it is.
  18. Vorporeal

    Nintendo Sixty Fooooooooooooooooooour!

    According to the interwebs, the S5PC100 is, in fact, the chip inside of the 3GS.
  19. Vorporeal

    Epic Develop Iphone Unreal Engine

    I wasn't talking about the iPhone.
  20. Vorporeal

    Epic Develop Iphone Unreal Engine

    First off, I HIGHLY doubt half of the owners will pirate games. If you think that's the case, you're obviously not doing a good job of assessing the people in this community. We all appreciate and understand the difficulty involved in the development process for software, and because of that...