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  1. ZXDunny

    It's the speed that counts.

    Looks like my original (very, very pessimistic) prediction of a late 2018 release date was very much off the mark...
  2. ZXDunny

    It's the speed that counts.

    Back in the day when the first glow in the dark treatments were used, clock faces did indeed use radioactive elements to achieve the glow. No kidding. There was a US kid who collected them, extracted the materials and built his own reactor in his garden shed using them, before he started...
  3. ZXDunny

    It's the speed that counts.

    Did we not learn from the Pandora then? Coatings of paint? Really?
  4. ZXDunny

    Amiga Thread.

    Can it do tiled background images in Workbench? I asked, but the authors didn't specify.
  5. ZXDunny

    The Absolute State of Linux

    ...gotcha. This, ladies and gentlemen, is precisely who I was talking about! Honestly, sometimes it's like fishing in a barrel with a stick of dynamite.
  6. ZXDunny

    The Absolute State of Linux

    So, getting back to Linux and the much-discussed CoC. I would say that although we can all agree that a meritocracy absolutely is the perfect filter in something like kernel development we can also agree that the CoC is something that the typical Linux developer absolutely needs. Consider the...
  7. ZXDunny

    The Absolute State of Linux

    Given recent outbreaks of nazism, intolerance generally, sexual harassment (and even rape) in our western culture do you not think that it's actually prudent to "assume the worst in your fellow beings"? And as has been pointed out very clearly so far - the CoC is in place, and Linux updates are...
  8. ZXDunny

    The Absolute State of Linux

    Yes, it would seem that the furore over this whole issue has been blown up to epic proportions by the kinds of people that the CoC is designed to root out.
  9. ZXDunny

    The Absolute State of Linux

    I have to admit, it does sound like a lot of activist nutjob types have gotten themselves riled up, and a lot of right-wing nutjobs have risen up to meet them. In the middle is the Linux Foundation just trying to do the right thing, whatever that is. I wish them luck, I really do.
  10. ZXDunny

    Amiga Thread.

    New AmigaOS 3.1.4 is now available as a digital download (ROM image + Workbench install disk images) with actual hardware upgrade just around the corner, apparently: System requirements have gone up a bit...
  11. ZXDunny

    The Absolute State of Linux

    I would advocate a cautious "wait and see" attitude to this one. Sure, the CoC has been signed off on, it's pretty much part of the rules now. If indeed kernel contributors are faceless names behind their commits, then there is no harm done and things can continue as they have been doing. If...
  12. ZXDunny

    What can I do now.

    Anyone remember back in the 80s where delivery of anything was a minimum of 28 days?
  13. ZXDunny

    Planet Computers : Gemini - Psion Returns

    Not to mention that Psion's logo was this: So you can see where "planet computers" and their current logo came from. And no, they are nothing to do with Psion of the 80s/90s, they're just trying to cash in on the good feeling people had about the 3a/c and 5/Mx.
  14. ZXDunny


    well, first let's get one thing out the way - this was about £130 for a device that's pretty much a pi3 in a DMG gameboy case. Now, around the web a custom Gameboy with new screen and internals (PiZero usually) runs between £350 to £400 and they're in great demand so this is an absolute steal...
  15. ZXDunny


    Well, I have one. It's... Ok.
  16. ZXDunny

    Legal ROM rentals?

    To be fair, security issues aside, I have no issues with DRM as long as it allows me to access either what I own or what I have paid to use without getting in my way. As Grench said, $60/pa for a convenient system where I can play what I want when I want to? Sign me right up. As it stands, my...
  17. ZXDunny

    ZX Vega +

    Also appears that the firmware is quite old - some backers don't have their names in the "Roll of honour" but do on the website, indicating that they're using an old firmware. Which further indicates that none of these bugs have been fixed.
  18. ZXDunny

    Gameshell - Modular, "open", gaming handheld (kickstarter)

    Not quite sure what you're saying there or why tbh.
  19. ZXDunny

    ZX Vega +

    He was involved in Gemini when he was asked to come aboard (as Planet Computers) on the Vega+ to write the firmware. There is a HUGE laundry list of bugs and issues that his company have failed to address (See attachment). And they have yet to release source code for their implementation of...
  20. ZXDunny

    so... you won't be using your Pyra for emulation now will you?

    Well, having just read the article it seems that although it may be unlawful to download a copy of a ROM you're likely not going to prison for it, and the chances are even better for you the older the game is. If you're distributing ROMs then that's another matter and you're fair game to the...