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  1. mclien

    Let's post pictures of ourselves.

    Well, since my avatar isn't that accurate anymore, here are 2 from last summer. one fuzzy all-day look and one "show-off" mode at the LARP wedding we attended.
  2. mclien

    bullseye-5-install, not really

    I just tried a run on that yesterday. Install went fine as did the first setup. Setting up the WiFi connection worked, too. I also managed to install audacious. Not with synaptic, though, that resulted in an error every tie I tried the "apply" button, but apt from cli worked. The sound with...
  3. mclien

    Slackware inside Pyra

    After what felt like year using my pyra as a dusk collector, I'm looking around a bit again. With my passionate dislike of systemd, I logically ended up here. Now I'm just to stupid to find the current image and the hints how to install it.
  4. mclien

    Assembly restart. Software work. And maybe our next SoC?

    Well, the text is correct, but it's linked to the wrong user profile. :-( (Might be my curse: When contributing to a open hardware project, it is always another "Mc-someone" that gets the credits.... Happened to my contribution to the Novena, too.)
  5. mclien

    Any reason to keep going? (for me, not in general)

    I haven't used either of those 2, but I guess, they have working sound (over cable) and so far all devices (inkl. Pyra) can't be used with a big screen as Desktop replacement. So if it is about a pocket computer ypu want to use as desktop in a dockingstation there is literally nothing atm. So...
  6. mclien

    Any reason to keep going? (for me, not in general)

    Ah, thanks, was too stupid to find it.
  7. mclien

    question to the audio system I never understood

    Thanks for clearing that one. I just began to question my sanity. ..oh wait, do I ever had that?
  8. mclien

    question to the audio system I never understood

    Does that mean it would need no extra stream, when the same volume is used? (really I don't know that. Would be an argument of course)
  9. mclien

    question to the audio system I never understood

    Does the rembering the volume "need" to be done with different streams? Couldn't the app do that? I know this doesn't help the problem to deal with "what we fave at hand" I was (on purpose) not thinking about what we have, but more in general: "Why would I have several streams on a device only...
  10. mclien

    Sales prepre Order #175

    OK I finally think at least the 2nd Pyra is used better by someone else. While I still not sure to keep mine, I am sure the the one originally planned for my son is not needed anymore (for me old man 6 years is still a wait, but to wait from 16 to 22 is a bit too much stretch, I guess). So since...
  11. mclien

    Any reason to keep going? (for me, not in general)

    The problem (at least for me and might be me not collecting all the information) is, all was running on the devboard and it looked like it was "just" (yeah, I know) a matter of putting that on the Pyra PCBs. As for the ScO: Last sparc of hope I got these days: RiscV. But then there is the...
  12. mclien

    Current State of the Pyra

    Was working with the image that came with the Pyra, just with very annoying noise on the cable headphone. Now the same files doesn't even start.. So you say they might be excluded form the new image?
  13. mclien

    question to the audio system I never understood

    I do understand, that there are several devices that need audio, but not that those are needed all at the same time. And no, I don't want bluetooth headphones, to have an extra device that can run out of battery and gives me additional radio waves. But I do get the problem to be forced to use...
  14. mclien

    question to the audio system I never understood

    Maybe I was missing something. But I do not understand why there is any need of more than one audio stream on a device like the Pyra. Or is it the case, that you can't simply get an ScO that offers something like that?
  15. mclien

    Any reason to keep going? (for me, not in general)

    OK, first I really do love this project and all the ideas behind it. That's why I supported it quite a bit (the pixelwall, the rings, 2 pre-pre orders). I also know, that my use case is not the one for most of you. So what was my intention/use case for the pyra? Basically: Not needing a small...
  16. mclien

    Current State of the Pyra

    OK, I guess that's it for me. I'm giving up. I tried to "just play a sound". After having no luck with the image delivered with my (prepreorder Pyra) I did give it a run with the newest image (41) and matzesus audio setting advice. After doing that and copying some .ogg and .mp3 files to my pyra...
  17. mclien

    First information for new Pyra owners (FAQ)

    reflashing. *sigh* ~# dd if=/local_daten/Linux/pyra-41.img of=/dev/mmcblk0 dd: writing to '/dev/mmcblk0': No space left on device 7744513+0 records in 7744512+0 records out 3965190144 bytes (4.0 GB, 3.7 GiB) copied, 972.142 s, 4.1 MB/s So 4GB SD Card seems not to be sufficient (anymore?) Yes...
  18. mclien

    Audio via headset

    I seem fail to finding those settings. I think in the pulsaudio setting there is no on/off switching of the streams in Alsamixer there are some you can only mute and some you can switch to "off" I did switch off all that can be there. (no effect there) So I might oversee the obvious where to...
  19. mclien

    Audio via headset

    Sadly pulsaudio does another naming Are those the "Hardware/Virtual devices in the pulsaudio setting? Can that be done via Alsa/pulseaudio settings or is that something to be done in the config files? I'm fine with both, just need to know which and where
  20. mclien

    Finally found some time to play with the Pyra myself :)

    Thanks for the clarification aTc. Is this due to newer kernel or do I remember wrongly that those things were working a lot better on the devboard/earlier Pyra prototypes? Plus: the function of the ext. hdmi port is messed up by the tilder chip?