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  1. DJWillis

    For Sale Gp2X Interface Board Dev Edition

    Hi, Did you sell this in the end? My old GP2X BoB has died and I really can't be bothered to make a new one so after a cheap one mainly so I can keep building ScummVM for the GP2X. How much would you be wanting for yours, shipped over to the UK?
  2. DJWillis

    Pocket Fallout Port

    I assume your all talking about FIFE? Last time I looked it was SDL based with optional dependencies on OpenGL and could use the Fallout 1 resources but it's much much more than just a Fallout 1 're-engine'. I know it has been actively worked on for at least the last 3...
  3. DJWillis

    GP2X 'sdl_Sys_Joystickgp2Xsys' Was Not Declared In This Scope

    Ok, You have a monumentally ancient version of the GP2X SDL there :o , it does not feature the functions you want to use. I have a one of the Open2x libpacks I tweaked to work with DevKitGP2X somewhere, I'll see if I can dig it out but I won't be able to do it for a few days. Tip, check your...
  4. DJWillis

    GP2X 'sdl_Sys_Joystickgp2Xsys' Was Not Declared In This Scope

    They are all in SDL_GP2X.H, most people just pop the include under there main SDL.H include.
  5. DJWillis

    Scummvm: 1.0.0 "preview 1" Releases For The Gp2X And Wiz

    If anyone reads this post in the next hour or so and has half an hour they could spend testing can they drop me a mail. I am working on a new Wiz build that has a few fixes I hope to sort audio issues in addition to a load of ARM assembly optimisations and an ARM assembly downscaler, playing...
  6. DJWillis

    Scummvm: 1.0.0 "preview 1" Releases For The Gp2X And Wiz

    Can you please tell me the format of the sound files, uncompressed, MP3, OGG etc.? Without that info it is proving rather hard to track down so will most likely go unfixed.
  7. DJWillis

    Scummvm: 1.0.0 "preview 1" Releases For The Gp2X And Wiz

    I'll look into the save slot issues and sound issues. I'll try and replecate some of them. I am also adding a few ARM optemised routines to try and speed up some pinch points in games (Sam and Max on the GP2X for example) and looking into what sort of performance I can get using an ARM...
  8. DJWillis

    Scummvm: 1.0.0 "preview 1" Releases For The Gp2X And Wiz

    What format is the game sound in? out of interest. Odd bug that one, can't say I have seen it but it's not a test approach I tried.
  9. DJWillis

    Scummvm: 1.0.0 "preview 1" Releases For The Gp2X And Wiz

    Not much to say really, builds are available for both the GP2X and the Wiz. Full details can be found on my site. The Wiz build is dramatically improved over the early alpha releases for anyone still using them. New engines included in the upcoming...
  10. DJWillis

    Scummvm For The Wiz: Early Alpha.

    For anyone that maybe interested. I'll post in the news forum later tonight once I have a few peoples feedback that all is ok. I have play tested the builds for about 30mins each but I know you all have a much wider range of games than I do.
  11. DJWillis

    Scummvm For The Wiz: Early Alpha.

    Sorry all, My real job has eaten all my free time for the last month or so. This is the 1st time I have visited the forum in ages. I'll try and get new release (1.0.0 preview 1) out tonight on my blog as all the main outstanding issues and rough edges (OGG Vorbis, saving, volume etc.) are all...
  12. DJWillis

    Release Transmitting More News

    Jam, I am British ;). Well thick layers of Marmite most of the time actually. Anyway, got the driver side of things happy and playing nicely. The only real snag is on the SDIO communication side of things (timing issues I think) but I have been getting some helpful advice on that front so the...
  13. DJWillis

    Release Transmitting More News

    Evening All, To answer a comment on the unofficial blog post. QUOTE (ashdjones) I don’t see why they couldn’t have just included the closed source WIFI drier in the firmware until the open source one was ready; add it the first update. I’ll elaborate sometime on that but lets just say that...
  14. DJWillis

    Wiz Wifi Test

    Damm this thread took a nose dive :o, For the record, like Skeezix, I dev and hack on many platforms. He is one of the most honest dev's I know (and I have known him for many years now) and I can't see that he has any agenda other then hacking around for fun. Simple as that. Context aside...
  15. DJWillis

    Port Request With Bounty (os Port)

    Not the mention the obvious, why bother! Still, rather than just commenting that the crazy train is in the station lets think about this. Yep, OS10 is not open source and even with its relationship to Darwin I really don't see the kernel and device stack being a huge point. The simple fact is...
  16. DJWillis

    The Openpandora Team

    I can neither confirm nor deny the rumours that all the people close to OP are in fact Fraggles.
  17. DJWillis

    Scummvm For The Wiz: Early Alpha.

    LD_LIBRARY_PATH could be used but personally I consider it a complete hack :(. I don't like the scatter gun approach and (on desktop systems anyway) the cause for fallout almost always makes it more pain than it is worth. In this case I could get away with it but it still offends my sense of...
  18. DJWillis

    Scummvm For The Wiz: Early Alpha.

    Thanks for that, regarding OGG Vorbis (well Tremor) it looks like the built in lib is fooked (a simple test app can also bork the Wiz). This leaves me a few options, start to static link everything on the grounds the Wiz firmware is suspect ;) or just force users to install a libpack to the...
  19. DJWillis

    Scummvm For The Wiz: Early Alpha.

    Here is a link to a quick interim build I have done, saves are still broken (that is proving a real pain to fix) but a lot of other stuff is in and working. It is built against SVN rev. 41385. Lot's of small fixes and speed-ups. Volume Controls - Now working fine. Virtual Keyboard - In and...
  20. DJWillis

    Scummvm For The Wiz: Early Alpha.

    Pretty sure all the segfaults are happening in engines that autosave and of course that is broken (along with saves) as it is getting very weird stuff bubbled up from the Wiz. It's a pain in the bum to fully debug. Other than that the port is progressing nicely now, got the virtual keyboard...