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  1. Silent-Hunter

    My first impressions of the Pyra

    It just gives a black screen. Wally has said he will fix it soon.
  2. Silent-Hunter

    Is anyone using i3 on their Pyra?

    Okay, font issue was a problem with etnaviv, here is fix. Only remaining issue is I can't figure out how to make the Pyra button work as $mod. It's XF86MenuKB and i3 says that's not a valid key to use for $mod. Why? It says Mod3 can be used, and Mod3 is blank. Can I assign...
  3. Silent-Hunter

    Is anyone using i3 on their Pyra?

    Possibly, but I have no idea what.
  4. Silent-Hunter

    Is anyone using i3 on their Pyra?

    Unfortunately, I think it's the font system they use. I bet they all use xft. When I tell urxvt to use xft fonts, it has invisible fonts too. But i3's titlebars and i3status use pango, and they work.
  5. Silent-Hunter

    Mupen64Plus (Nintendo 64) Pyra -W.I.P

    Would fog work if it was able to use GLES2 directly?
  6. Silent-Hunter

    Is anyone using i3 on their Pyra?

    I'm sure there's some way to fix it. What I really need is to figure out why some fonts are invisible. dmenu, emacs, xpaint, and sxiv all have invisible fonts.
  7. Silent-Hunter

    Is anyone using i3 on their Pyra?

    Also, the screen doesn't turn off when I close the lid. What do I need to do to add that?
  8. Silent-Hunter

    Is anyone using i3 on their Pyra?

    If so, is your dmenu invisible? On mine, the font is invisible. Same with emacs, and urxvt if I tell it to use xft fonts. Also it says no battery in the i3bar, any way to fix that?
  9. Silent-Hunter

    My first impressions of the Pyra

    Has anyone tried Steam streaming using Box86 yet? Could stream emulators from PC until the acceleration is working.
  10. Silent-Hunter

    Should I have received my final order eMail already?

    ED says only three are left and they're shipping Monday. And then more final order emails I assume.
  11. Silent-Hunter

    My first impressions of the Pyra

    PaNDora. :P
  12. Silent-Hunter

    My first impressions of the Pyra

    I thought it stood for DragonBox Package.
  13. Silent-Hunter

    Should I have received my final order eMail already?

    I know that. But other Pyras have shipped. I'm just trying to find out when mine is going to. I'm #46, and #37 actually arrived to its owner several days ago. As I'm moving, it would be very helpful for me to know when so I can make arrangements for it.
  14. Silent-Hunter

    Should I have received my final order eMail already?

    I don't mean the payment email, I mean who's Pyras have actually shipped out. I paid on the 4th but my Pyra hasn't shipped yet. As I am moving soon, it would be good if it shipped soon.
  15. Silent-Hunter

    Should I have received my final order eMail already?

    I'm curious who has shipping notifications so far. Is it into the 40s yet?
  16. Silent-Hunter

    Pyra mobile broadband performance

    When I get my Pyra, I'll try this out.
  17. Silent-Hunter

    Pyra mobile broadband performance

    On the other hand, I actually care more about how well phone calls work. But given that those may be VoLTE only eventually, it's still not great that data doesn't work well.
  18. Silent-Hunter

    Pyra mobile broadband performance

    I really hope this is fixable in software somehow.
  19. Silent-Hunter

    Pyra mobile broadband performance

    Oh damn, I hoped to depend on the mobile feature a lot.
  20. Silent-Hunter

    My first impressions of the Pyra

    It does support USB3, but as OTG. The USB3Micro port on the Pyra is an OTG port.