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  1. L

    Having default apps in xfce4 (def web browser, def media etc)

    Here is my method of how i would try to solve this issue: You can use "" (don't confuse this with "pnd_run" without ".sh") to build a small script that you assign in the same way that freamon specified his script. This is a bit of work. Let's take vlc as an example: First of all...
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    Having default apps in xfce4 (def web browser, def media etc)

    @klapse: While this is somewhat true you should not rely on it. I find filenames with spaces and special characters annoying and don't create such filenames myself, but you must consider them. Especially when writing bash-scripts that modify data.
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    Tutorial: format your SD-card (and install Slackware) using only your Pandora

    AFAIK the freespace-preceding-topic is related to the eraseblock-sizes of SDcard. It's not a must but, but supposed to increase the io-speed of the card. The whole thing is a topic of it's own and I haven't completely understood it. It's something about alligning filesystem-blocks to these...
  4. L

    Having default apps in xfce4 (def web browser, def media etc)

    @freamon: I think your script does not work with movies that got spaces in there filename. Even if you would use "$*" instead of "$1" then there probably will be problems, because "" interprets the filename as several parameters. I also tried it with quotes. I ran out of time while...
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    Tutorial: format your SD-card (and install Slackware) using only your Pandora

    I didn't read your tutorial in detail since I currently am not planning to install Slackware due a missing, sufficient SDcard, but since this is important I want to point something out. "/dev/mmcblk1" is NOT always the card in the right slot and "/dev/mmcblk0" is NOT always the card in the...
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    Release DeaDBeeF

    For me it worked. Of course that means that the original effect (Shift_R and Control_R) of the shoulder-buttons will be deactivated while deadbeef is running. Not sure what will happen in a game or similar, but either the buttons are deactivated there too, or you skip the songs while using them...
  7. L

    Release DeaDBeeF

    Here is an easy way to add shoulder-button-support in deadbeef for skipping to next/previous song: Edit the config-file of deadbeef which can be found at "<path_to_SDcard>/pandora/appdata/deadbeef/deadbeef/config" by adding the following two lines: hotkeys.key1 Control_R: next...
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    Release DeaDBeeF

    Just noticed that deadbeef has a little issue with at least some SIDs - which is not only related to the Pandora-port. I noticed that the song from the game "Deactivators" plays too slow. Most SIDs seem to play fine, though I am not sure anymore if the playback-speed is always 100% correct after...
  9. L

    Roguelike Port: TomeNet?

    Thanks. It's more important though to find the source of the problem.
  10. L

    Release Firefox 17.0.1 in repo

    @Gamer: Strange issues related to PNDs happened to me when having two PNDs of the same package (having the same package-ID) in two different folders (or in the same folder with a different filename but still same internal package ID). For example this happened to me a couple of times when I...
  11. L

    Release UAE4All 2.0

    @hmc: I haven't tried it at all, but if I were you, then I would try a pre-installed WHDload-image. I would expect good results from them. At least an increased chance of having a working version. ;) Also just in the moment these ipf-files come to my mine. They are - similar to adf-files -...
  12. L

    Roguelike Port: TomeNet?

    What's also strange is that the config-file, which is normally (I tried it on my GentooPC as well) saved as "~/.tomenetrc", is named "~.tomenetrc.$$$" and always empty. Probably related to this is the segmenattion fault on exit (as it tries to write changes to the config-file) and the fact that...
  13. L

    Roguelike: ADOM on the Pandora

    Copy/pasted from the runscript of the cataclysm.pnd: ./rxvt +sb -geometry 80x25 -title "Cataclysm roguelike" -fn "xft:Liberation Mono:pixelsize=13" -e ./cataclysm
  14. L

    Roguelike Port: TomeNet?

    I wanted to test this out and made a quick first compile without applying your fix. I only edit the makefile to add some optimisation-flags and modified one place from "-lcurses" into "-lncurses" because I was getting an error while compiling. I was able to run the game by executing "./tomenet...
  15. L

    Compiling C++ for the Pandora

    Are you running a LinuxPC with X11 beside your Pandora? Then you could also run p'titSebs codeblocks-pnd through a ssh-X11-tunneled session. That way you will get codeblocks running on your Pandora with the codeblocks-window being shown on your PC and you can use your mouse/keyboard. Although I...
  16. L

    How to press DEL ?

    No need to be sorry. It still was worth referring to it as someone might find it suiting. Thanks for mentioning it. I think I will give up on this issue. Where ever I dig, I only find more rock. When ever I try to move around a tree, I run into the next one. Here are the last results/issues...
  17. L

    Quick Howto about manually installing xbindkeys.

    Ah, you build it yourself. I see. "guile" would enable an additional, slightly different and probably more complex way of configuring keys in xbindkeys. I haven't tried it myself yet. Not disabling guile-support would result in a required dependency for that guile-library, which again...
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    Quick Howto about manually installing xbindkeys.

    I updated the above post with an edit, because I misunderstood the usage of "xbindkeys -p".
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    Release DeaDBeeF

    @p'titSeb: I don't think that it's desired in this context to mount the pnd and run deadbeef if it's not running. I wouldn't want the shoulder-buttons to start deadbeef. But a test like you mention still could be used to make this a bit cleaner. For example: "[ -f...
  20. L

    Quick Howto about manually installing xbindkeys.

    @freamon: Does this come with or without guile-support? Edit for the below: I just realized that I misunderstood the meaning of "xbindkeys -p". I does NOT trigger an already running xbindkeys to notice the changes in the config-files, but starts an(other) instance of xbindkeys that permanently...