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  1. D

    I Just Got My Gp2x!!!

    heheh. It is nice. I got mine today. I'm going to use mine to watch films in bed. A lot of films i like she hates so its an ideal compromise. Anyhow, when we watch a DVD she usally falls asleep half way though LOL Time to download apocalypse now.
  2. D

    Problem With Movies

    Thanks for that advice. Actually seems ok now. If you play the movie from the start it is fine. Its when you skip forward it never seems to align itself again. On another note, am i right in thinking the player doesnt include a brightness setting? Some Xvids are really dark and its a real...
  3. D

    Problem With Movies

    Hi, just got my GP2X today. I really like it but i am dissapointed in the movie playback of xvid and divx files. It will play them but its definately not smooth as reported on reviews. It seems to lag prett bad and sometime speech is out of sync and it all becomes a blurr in action scenes...
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    Guy Who Wants To Sue Gamepark, Gph, Me & Ed

    Heheh - nice reference to The Life of Brian :)
  5. D

    I Just Got My Gp2x!!!

    Heheh thanks for the response. Looks like i'm getting one ordered tomorrow to play with over weekend. I'll make sure my gf doesnt see that magic drop thing. I lost my Ds lite that way when i showed her nintendogs...thats partly why i am getting the GP2X, something to mess about n while she's...
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    I Just Got My Gp2x!!!

    Can anyone comment on my previous questions? Glad to hear you are all enjoying your GP2X's though...
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    I Just Got My Gp2x!!!

    Cool! Whats the most impressive thing about it would you say? What really strikes you?
  8. D

    I Just Got My Gp2x!!!

    Hi, like many others on this forum i have been deliberating whether to get the GP2X. I am 90% of the way to actually placing the order but i have some burning questions which (i hope) someone on here can answer. 1) I have heard some people have issues with the type and manufacturer of the...