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  1. D

    Quirks & Questions

    The payback demo has choppy sound on mine aswell, not a great advert for a commercial game to a new user i can tell you. ur probably better lifting it off the nand. I never had any issues with the vectar demo tho :/
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    Psx4gp2x Public Beta 4 Released.

    Just tried castlevania which is pretty much unplayable. Anyone tried something like discworld? Its mostly static GFX so it might run ok. Having said that, its probably the most difficult, illogical adventure game i have ever played. :attach bra to ladder so it doesnt make a sound when climbing...
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    Psx4gp2x Public Beta 4 Released.

    And Bizarre it is! Truly Legend of mana, can it be comsidered playable? Some people are saying yes. Others disagree...
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    Psx4gp2x Public Beta 4 Released.

    Your probably right. i have my GP2X with me now at work and a laptop next to me, problem is i've only got the legend of mana.iso that was converted with magic iso. I doubt converting the .iso to .bin with ultra will work now. Haven got a copy of the .img file with me.
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    Psx4gp2x Public Beta 4 Released.

    I got breath of fire III.img and converted it to iso using magic iso. Will try on PC emu when i finish work. Is it a case of all PSX .iso/bins will *always* load up but some wont work because they lock on the title screen? Or is it just that some games have never worked on any revision of...
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    Psx4gp2x Public Beta 4 Released.

    I guess you cant use .img files with this emu? Does converting a .img to iso/bin work? I've tried 3 like this and just get the 'load success' and black screen ad infinitum.
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    Can't Find Good Snes Emulator

    Thanks man, works great! much better FPS now. Sound is a little weird when there is anything that has bass in it but i guess thats a WIP. Once again thanks.
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    Mame Gp2x 2.9

    Nice one, great emu.
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    Can't Find Good Snes Emulator

    Thanks gaterooze. I was lost in various versions that kicks you out after loading. its still booting me out with version 0.37c. Says something about command line on a black screen before it exits. its in sd/emulators/squidgesnes/ roms are in sd/roms/snes
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    Psx4gp2x Public Beta 4 Released.

    Gonna d/l now and check it out. hmmmm...good playstation games? i sold mine after completing FF7 circa 1997 (to pay for my gf to come over from spain at the time....should have kept the PS!) Probably missed a few good games to boot.
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    Can't Find Good Snes Emulator

    Sorry to appear thick but i downloaded squidgesnes 0.37 which ran terrible, 20fps max and crackling sound. People mention the hack, when i download this and run it, it will go back to the main menu? You talk about overclocking to get better FPS, do you mean o/clock via a new frontend or does...
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    Tv-out Hd (looks Like Crap)

    i'll second that! Btw, its not just the GP2X that looks like this on the HD tv. My gamecube for example, using standard scart cable looks really bad. Looked relatively good on the CRT. Anyone looking to Buy the TV-out, put it on your CRT rather than the LCD/plasma. it would probably look...
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    Tv-out Hd (looks Like Crap)

    I've got the TV-Out running through a separate S-video cable (expensive one) and seperate RCA's looks terrible on my LCD HD TV too :( I havent tried it on the 28" CRT upstairs yet though. Its all that 360 HD gaming making it much worse i guess.
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    Spilt A Cup Of Hot Water All Over My Gp2x

    waited another hour. hit it against my own head in a rage. turned on, it WORKED ! ! ! ! :P Heheh, makes me laugh the old violence/technology thing. People say they dont make good bedfellows yet the amount of times i have slapped/punched/thrown devices and they have suddenly worked! I...
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    I Just Got My Gp2x!!!

    Seem like most things i have thrown at it seem to work which is great. Looks ugly with its double sizing though, v blocky. I read somewhere its possible to make the res better if someone codes this function in. I suppose this depends on 1) if anyone can be bothered to do it or 2) there are...
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    Ghostbusters Gp2x Port (more Of A Rewrite...) V0.01

    I like this re-releasing of good old games for the GP2X. i really enjoyed the Chuckie egg prog that someone created and now this! Having said that i *somehow* never played ghostbusters in my youth, but i hear people say it was a good game. Will download tonight. Full marks for the effort...
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    Gp2xpectrum 1.3b3

    Nice one Metalbrain. You should be v proud of this program.
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    Deal Or No Deal V1.0 lost me my GP2X. My gf picked it up and played deal or no deal and now i'm 'not allowed on it'. p.s keep up the good work but try and make games that girls wont like in future.
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    What Is The Most Powerful Rechargeable Battery, For Gp2x?

    I'll second that, my charger is a uniross 150 express (express my arse) Your talking like 24 hours to charge my 2700's. I'll be buying one of the 15 minute charger things when i can be bothered going to a shop. If you have a charger this fast its almost doesnt matter the Mah of the...
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    I Just Got My Gp2x!!!

    Loving it.... Living the Dream. Still waiting for my TV-Out cable, does it work on all emu's or just certain ones?