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  1. D

    Squidgesnes 0.38

    yeah, pilotwings was a very early snes game. Circa 1991 iirc. Pre Super FX
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    Squidgesnes 0.38

    i've noticed that aswell on castlevania. Which is a shame because it propbably has the best soundtrack on the snes ever. Mario world is the most playable.
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    Squidgesnes 0.38

    Doh! thanks... Are we ever going to see the emu full scfreen or is it always going to look its best with the border? I.e picodrive looks fine full screen but i guess thats a different issue. How much harder is the snes emulation than the megadrive? Is it because of the Mode 7 and super FX...
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    Squidgesnes 0.38

    when i press volume + or - and a/b/x or y it never works, i tried it on chrono trigger. Nothing appears to happen.
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    Squidgesnes 0.38

    i'm running squidgesnes hack 0.37c with the ram timings script gaterooze setup for me at the moment. Clocked at 250mhz most games run fine....apart from anything that is mode 7 or super FX chip enabled. Anyone got something like pilotwings to go higher than 5fps with notaz' version? Mario...
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    To be honest i cant understand this 'playable without sound' mentality. To me, thats a contradiction in terms. As a gamer i would not play through a game with no sound and term it as being playable. Not unless i was warped back to the old ZX81 days. I would describe that it 'works without...
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    Is There Anyone Working In A 2-cores Snes Emulator?

    If someone can make a snes emu that has the same sound quality of picodrive (which has bloody fantastic sound, very loud and very clear) then i will be very happy. I keep checking the news everyday hoping someone will release a snes emu equivalent of Pico, thats not to say the current ones are...
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    Q&a: Gp2x Chief Craig Rothwell

    Emma Boyes...your a Fu**in Rubbish journo.
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    I Just Got My Gp2x!!!

    Good on you. Like you i have an Xbox 360 and a DS-lite, but the GP2x is great for the old memories. especially if your 30 +
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    How Much People Has Gp2x?

    Looking at these forums. The command of english is fantastic from people that it isnt their 1st language, including slang and common phrases. I would have assumed most of you are english or american anyway if it wasnt from seeing your location on the profile. A language selection on 1st...
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    How Much People Has Gp2x?

    I heard that most were sold in europe. Notably Germany, UK and Spain. Is that true?
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    Blargh. How Do I Remove Tranparancies?

    heh, i'm up to that dome thing at the moment, i used the trans hack, you can just about see but text is garbled. will try the volume thing.
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    Gp2x Or Ds Lite + M3?

    I have a DS-lite with a Mini-SD supercard. The DS-Lite the best designed handheld on the market, aesthetically is oozes quality unlike the old phat DS which was a sham. The Lcd screen on the lite is amazing too. The screen should be bigger though and its not as loud as the old DS phat. The...
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    Ultima 7 Tv Out

    All i can say is i played exhult/ultima 7 on my TV 3 days ago and it was fine this was in both NTSC and PAL modes.
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    A Sad Week For Me!

    Unlucky mate, it really sucks when you get pilfered. I had my pc stolen about 4 years ago and i remember how i felt back then. Luckily it was Win2k Admin p/worded and so was the bios. I doubt most 'thieves' would know how to reset the m/board jumper setting. Try not to think of it as a human...
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    I Just Got My Gp2x!!!

    Wassat?? New faster version?
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    Criticalbeeb 0.1.0 Released

    Elite *was* available in the shops for NES, i bought a copy from a bric-a-brac store circa 1993 - Your right, it was a great version. Wish i had kept hold of it as i'm sure it (may) have been worth something. Also, when i was playing that version i got stuck trying to find a certain planet i...
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    Criticalbeeb 0.1.0 Released

    How about elite to be added to the keymap collection. Although i never played it on beeb it was meant to be the best version by far? Good work.
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    O2em / G7000 Ported To Gp2x

    killer bees was great!!
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    Psx4gp2x Public Beta 4 Released.

    G-darius is the most playable i've tested so far. Legend of mana is ok when your in the house but when you go outside it gets choppy. Good work on this emu though its getting there. @ cabbages...i hope the discworld thing ran decent, look forward to the vid. Anyone know if there is an impact...