GPChord Program


Jul 25, 2003
Do any of you gp32 owners also play guitar? because I have been thinking that a great application for the gp would be a chord library program where you can easily find the tab for any chord.

You could pick if you want major, minor, major 6th etc and pick the chord then it displays the tab, maybe cycle through them with the L and R buttons and if its possible even listen to what it should sound like.

Unfortunatly I know nothing about programming. :(
That would be cool....

You know it's always hard to remember quite how to maka like a C#maj+/H... or something wierd like that....

Actually, this tread just got me wondering about using a text-reader on the GP32 for song-tabs.... That would probably work ok a a song-book. :)
It would really be cool if there was a program that loops chord progressions.
There are hundreds of scale/chord finder programs on the web with every possbile scale (, ever heard of the mela simhendramadhyama scale?).
It should be a breeze to make something similar for the gp32, unfortunatley my coding skills are limited to pascal...
A program like this would be amazing if it were available handheld (gp32)
Technically I am a qualified programmer having done it for a large firm before.

Realistically I know Visual Basic and am a damn good commercial tester who just happened to learn enough to be pushed into doing another job companies.

You wouldnt believe how little you need to know to get by, put any of the programmers I worked with into a situation where they had to develop anythign outside VB and you would be lucky to find one who could do it (these guys earn £40000+ and couldnt do it, I never did though grumble moan)

I think it`s a sign of the commitment and skills many of the GP32 coders have, they probably earn nothing from what they do, but have provided some excellent software and will continue to do so until the beer runs out.
I've started work on GPChord but it won't be a program as such, just gif files with the chord diagrams on.
You'll have to use wind-ups or an image viewer to browse through the different chords.

That's probably the best way to do it unless a programmer is reading.
You could create a folder called Chords filled with these images and Voila.
if only i hadn't given up programming... this would be one helluva useful app for me. i can remember an entire henrix song but not 7th chords.. :p
I've finished it but I don't have a website or anywhere to upload it to, can I email it to someone to make it available for download? :unsure:
nice one Neomorpheus, very handy. thinking of learning C so may use this a starter project, will let u know !