Release CorsixTH 0.68.0


Oct 7, 2011
London, UK

Github Project

Purchase on GOG

Just released CorsixTH 0.68. This was just to get a working dbp file. I have a corresponding github project for it, will commit what I have shortly, want to add docker build pipeline etc.

This build does create the CorsixTH config directory if doesnt exist directly via the /dragonbox/ path, since creating it inside the dbp causes the game to overwrite with a default file and then you'll have to set where the data is located.

% innoextract setup_theme_hospital_2.0.0.5.exe

To get the game data and move it to /dragonbox/appdata/CorsixTH/

NOTE: this version was compiled on buster
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Yeah, that version was 0.65, plus the dependencies were broken (timidity was missing a ; and ffmpeg was misspelt). Also the way it was compiled was different, not entirely sure it ever worked (didnt for me, was looking for files in /mnt/dan or something).
Bumped to version 0.68.0-r1

Matched upstream tag version (vs whatever was in main at the time of compilation),
Removed deb dependencies at this time (I dont know if we can do them based on buster/bookworm, the versions are different)
Compiled on bookworm instead of buster
Ive made you a maintainer on the version i uploaded since you had uploaded the original version, I plan on getting a few more games live, then loop back round to make this a repeatable pipeline etc. At that point, anyone should be able to submit a PR to bump version and it just works (tm). Bonus points if i can figure out automatic dbp publishing on the repo.