So where are we with the Pyra--really?


May 1, 2012
So let me say this first: I'm an OG Pandora buyer (bought both the first generation Pandora and its silver successor), so I know how projects like this work. I absolutely get that the line from "concept" to "ready to ship" is nonlinear--if anything it can resemble the path of a crazed worm bending backwards and forwards, and in the Pyra's case with a loop-the-loop or two thrown in.

All I'm asking is: since it can be difficult to track what the "latest" is in the official news section...what's the latest? (I placed my order on November 1, 2021, and I know that we've been stymied by some challenges since then, so to be clear I'm not pressuring anyone or expressing dissatisfaction. Would just appreciate a concise update is all :) )

Hope everyone is having a great holiday season!
Would just appreciate a concise update
Indeed, that would be great. Although in terms of chronological progress, I think orders being fulfilled is still in the early 2016 era.

However orders had gotten much more sparse over time, so it's not a linear progression. I think there are two issues - partly getting people to respond to emails asking to confirm their order after 8 years, and other issues around cases and building them.

What I'd like to see is an update stating "we've dispatched x out of a total of y units so far, have z units that can be (built to be) sent out" and ideally "we hope to get x more units sent out next year"
Basically, units are shipping, but they are being hand assembled at a painfully slow rate.

What I'd like to see is an update stating "we've dispatched x out of a total of y units so far, have z units that can be (built to be) sent out" and ideally "we hope to get x more units sent out next year"

Absolutely. I think this would definitely help maintain a bit of faith in the project.
If manual labour is really the bottleneck. I mean, I know it's infeasible because you can't just assemble these things, it takes skill / training. It's just a pity because many people would surely be willing to donate many hours of their own time to get their pyra.
I'm totally willing to donate labor and assembling them if ED is ok with shipping parts to the US.
Maybe @Askarus can indicate what is still to be done and if a DIY assembly would be possible for people that would like to try that route.

Shipping parts in bulk for assembly to board members sounds like a possible disaster to happen. I think most of us would like to help when we can, but imagine losing stuff during shipping or other random disasters which already happened during this project.
I can imagine ED playing it safe to not get into more challenges.