Recent content by Zombo

  1. Z

    How To Use Drmd

    Does this have cheat support?
  2. Z

    Rom Converting

    Can anyone help me to get Popeye working? It just displays a screen full of Green 0's and never loads the game.
  3. Z

    Problems With Mame Gp32 2.3

    Yeah I got Space Invaders rom and just when it's about to load it just crashes on startup.Popeye justs displays a screen full of green 0's.
  4. Z

    Problems With Mame Gp32 2.3

    Were do you find those settings I can't locate them EDIT:OK Got it but the problem is I seem to control All Monsters,how can I just pick one.And How can I get Space Invaders to work?
  5. Z

    Problems With Mame Gp32 2.3

    Can anyone help me with some Screens, How do I Rampage to actually fit the screen? (And not really major,but how do I get the rest of the 1st stage in Donkey Kong to show?)
  6. Z

    Rom Converting

    Actually I got everything off a torrent site so Im good now
  7. Z

    Gngeo2x Problem!

    Hi just downloaded the newest version of this emu,and I cannot load Metal Slug 3 it says it's a bad rom(Unknown or unsupported) However I see videos running it and I know it's correct as it plays on many different Neo Geo emus.Can someone please help? :unsure:
  8. Z

    Rom Converting

    Good thing is I am starting to Get some games playing and where does this torrent site happen to be (PM Me)
  9. Z

    Rom Converting

    Yeah this is what im having problems is when you drag them I never get the complete set (3 files short in some games) and that I can never find them on the internet.
  10. Z

    Rom Converting

    Hi everybody I just got a GP2X Yesterday,and had interest in playing MAME on it for some time now but I have a problem I do not know how to convert roms,I have read the Tutorial on converting it but It admittedly confuses me.I know you may be tired of this question but can you please help me?