Recent content by Orkie

  1. Orkie

    Wanted: dead GP2Xs

    A bit of a long shot, but if anybody has a dead GP2X they'd like to get rid of and have used for a good cause I'd be happy to take it off your hands. I'm particularly after an F100, but F200 would also be interesting so I can compare them. I'd like to attempt removing the MMSP2 from the PCB...
  2. Orkie

    Gmenu2x displayed time

    I've never heard of anybody doing it, I'm not sure anybody has ever been desperate for an RTC before. I2C is definitely exposed though, the serial number and LCD settings are stored on an I2C EERPOM - you could probably daisy chain something off that (might need a buffer)...
  3. Orkie

    Gmenu2x displayed time

    If you're going to such lengths, you could always try to see if VDDRTC/VSSRTC/XTIRTC/XTORTC on the MMSP2 are exposed anywhere on the board and splice a coin cell/crystal in... Chapter 6 of the MMSP2 databook details the relevant registers.
  4. Orkie

    Where to get an EXT connector/JTAG connector in 2023?

    It's a shame if that shop won't stock them anymore. There are plenty of cables on ebay for e.g. Samsung E720, but they rarely have all the pins. It may be possible to rearrange those they do have? I've never opened one and tried.
  5. Orkie

    GP2X Bricked

    It's SOT-23-6, which is much easier, but it's still very small!
  6. Orkie

    GP2X Bricked

    I think the voltage regular is quite easily damaged, I can't really remember what the symptoms would be but the rainbow pattern is typical for most GP2X problems (hardware and software annoyingly). I've a feeling that quite a few people who had a bad one were still able to run it with the...
  7. Orkie

    Documentary Resources

    Wiki dump: GP2X software: GP32 software: The software archives started out as dumps of the Archives and include metadata. I've done a bit of curation as the archives...
  8. Orkie

    Documentary Resources

    I have a small collection of technical documents on, the GP2X wiki is still available read-only at and ED's file archives still exist. I have my own mirror of the wiki, and a collection of software which is slightly more complete than the archives but I haven't made it...
  9. Orkie

    Orcus 1.3.0

    A minor update, Orcus (the bare-metal GP2X library) 1.3.0 has just been released. New features in this release: SD card writing A change to the nanosleep syscall to work with devkitARM 57 As before, install the gp2x-dev group from the devkitPro pacman repo...
  10. Orkie

    Still unbricking GP2X

    This is the config I use: You'll need to replace the line "source [find interface/ftdi/olimex-jtag-tiny.cfg]" with whatever is needed for a Wiggler interface. This will give you some very brief instructions on using JTAG for something...
  11. Orkie

    Still unbricking GP2X

    The board does several things which are independent from each other. If you want to test the serial port, set up minicom or similar for 115200 8N1, you should be able to see the bootloader and Linux firmware logging (after booting, you can CTRL+C the menu and get a command line you can type...
  12. Orkie

    Still unbricking GP2X

    Theoretically not if the value is less than £39 and it is marked as a "gift", however it isn't entirely unheard of for customs to just randomly invent values for packages they decide to open and then charge tax. There is also the possibility of being charged a customs clearance fee by the...
  13. Orkie

    Still unbricking GP2X

    I don't think there is a command which can test a parallel port is working without having some hardware at the other end to test it with. I really think your best bet would be to get a more up-to-date USB-JTAG setup. They used to cost a lot back in the 2000s which is why people used the...
  14. Orkie

    Still unbricking GP2X

    How good are you at soldering? The board I designed is quite easy to put together and I think I have a spare PCB and probably an EXT connector you could have and you should be able to source the rest of the parts very easily. The connectors are a bit fiddly due to the small pins in close...
  15. Orkie

    Still unbricking GP2X

    I doubt the nand blanker is going to help you, it is for repairing a very specific problem. You appear to have no bootloader at all if you get nothing on the screen. Do you definitely have a working JTAG setup? If so, you could try following DJWillis' old unbricking guide which should still...