Recent content by mazza558

  1. M


    The browser is firefox but with a modified UI (think Fennec). So unless they haven't put the thought in, it'll support firefox extensions.
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    What does come out of the box?

    Well, actually... Ubuntu 9.04 does have ARM support now.
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    Pandora Homebrew Projects

    A very good idea. I don't think many people appreciate that there's that many side-projects going on, hidden away in the subforums.
  6. M

    Spotify For Pandora, Linux Etc.

    You still haven't given an example of a better service of a similar nature than Spotify. I'd like to know what it is too.
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    About the spam filter as it stands: It currently filters any words to do with sales, in the hopes of catching any potential spammers. So if you use the words "buy" "sell" or "cheap" in your posts (for example), don't be surprised if your comment needs to be moderated.
  8. M

    Why Do We Still Use These Forums?

    The reason I created the blog was to channel all the info that was spread all over the place. I didn't really want it to be somewhere which is just "another" source, so to speak.
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    How Is Your Re-order Status?

    I'm waiting until the second batch or beyond now, because: - The delay to April-ish was past what I could tolerate for such a project. - I want to see how the Pandora will compare with the speculated next-gen ARM netbooks and Android phones being announced this summer. Archos has already...
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    3 More Places For The Unofficial Blog Team

    Welcome the new members on the blog itself!
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    3 More Places For The Unofficial Blog Team

    Good news all round then. It'd be great to get someone from Asia actually - we have the US, UK and AUS covered at the moment.
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    3 More Places For The Unofficial Blog Team

    Alright, that's the 3 places taken for now. If things change in the future, I'll bump the thread again. However, the invitation for Chip still stands.
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    3 More Places For The Unofficial Blog Team

    If Chip was willing to be on the blog team, I'd invite him immediately. I agree that his PR job is probably too time-consuming to take a position on the blog team.
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    3 More Places For The Unofficial Blog Team

    Looks like 2 places are taken, possibly. Phawx, it seems the situation you're in doesn't really lend yourself to blog posting. PoisonedV, do you want a place? I can't tell by your ambiguous postings...
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    3 More Places For The Unofficial Blog Team

    I've PMed Butterman, who is GMT like me. Tom, what timezone are you? It's good to get an even spread of coverage.