Lovely (-: been using minimenu more and more so this will be great.
Only bad thing with these full flashes are that I have to input my 64 characters for wifi access all the time, perhaps it's time to save it on the SDcard :P
ok I bought that arora rift 32x, and it said 3.75 dollars on paypal. So I thought oh well maybe its something they add. And then it said that the amount doesnt match with the $3 on the repo so it wont add the game for me...
if its any help my account is matenrou in the repo
If I purchase an app, will I be able to redownload it later on as many times as I want? For example If I have uninstalled it or wiped my device. Sorry this might have been answered already :P
Will make my first purchase when I get home from work, hope it's as good as my other paypal...
Yes, after the pandora logo when its black for a bit before the Loading screen. But its only for the part where its completely black. Just wondering if its like this for everyone else or just me? :P