Recent content by Matenrou

  1. Matenrou

    Release Hotfix 7 Beta 1 released!

    Lovely (-: been using minimenu more and more so this will be great. Only bad thing with these full flashes are that I have to input my 64 characters for wifi access all the time, perhaps it's time to save it on the SDcard :P
  2. Matenrou

    Release Hotfix 7 Alpha 3 released

    Great (-: And about that issue with icons on minimenu not working, cant you just rescan for apps automaticly when you turn it on? :P
  3. Matenrou

    Release PCSX ReARMed, with a new GPU

    wow, its like day and night with gran turismo +1 interwebz hug
  4. Matenrou

    Release Commercial apps now accepted in the repo.

    Sent him a PM, hope you can find a workaround for when others try. Good we found out about it so early :P
  5. Matenrou

    Release Commercial apps now accepted in the repo.

    aww wanted to test it out, I hope they are responding to the contact form on their website. So what's your mail or do they have it already?
  6. Matenrou

    Release Commercial apps now accepted in the repo.

    No, I can choose to buy it again but I already bought it :P If you want transaction ids or something just PM
  7. Matenrou

    Release Commercial apps now accepted in the repo.

    ok I bought that arora rift 32x, and it said 3.75 dollars on paypal. So I thought oh well maybe its something they add. And then it said that the amount doesnt match with the $3 on the repo so it wont add the game for me... help? if its any help my account is matenrou in the repo EDIT...
  8. Matenrou

    Release Commercial apps now accepted in the repo.

    If I purchase an app, will I be able to redownload it later on as many times as I want? For example If I have uninstalled it or wiped my device. Sorry this might have been answered already :P Will make my first purchase when I get home from work, hope it's as good as my other paypal...
  9. Matenrou

    Yarr! what be your pirate name!?

    Pirate name: Cap'n Bernard Deadbones Sounds ok I guess :P
  10. Matenrou

    $1 Pandora.

    so will the forum be closed for everyone else? even if we went with the premium and tossed out extra money?
  11. Matenrou

    Release More games from Quasist

    Didn't think i'd like worship vector but its actually very nice :P
  12. Matenrou

    the damn purple tint of death

    Yes, after the pandora logo when its black for a bit before the Loading screen. But its only for the part where its completely black. Just wondering if its like this for everyone else or just me? :P
  13. Matenrou

    the damn purple tint of death

    I get a red line on the left side of the screen when booting the pandora, it's not this you're talking about right?
  14. Matenrou

    Release Angry Birds for Pandora

    well you can play it already on with just the browser, although not as smooth :P
  15. Matenrou

    Release Angry Birds for Pandora

    Its still out there on the interwebs, its very easy to find it if you just want to :P I hope its a leaked beta from rovio but I doubt it.