Hi Rene! I didn't even see your responses here, I just used the emails. For anyone selling anything on ebay, don'tmention Homebrew. They pulled my auction because of it saying it violated their policy.
If anyone is interested, I just listed my GP32Flu on ebay with games and accessories. I have a chatboard, 10 SMC cards (128Mb), many retail games, 2RF connectors, and an extra red joystick cap.
I was just thinking of selling my GP32 FLU on ebay. It is in great shape, and has almost every homebrew game/emulator loaded onto about 8 SM cards. I would need to get $50 out of it to make it worth me giving it up though. :unsure:
So currently there are only text file readers for the GP2X correct? By that I mean if you get ebooks online they are usually in several ebook formats like .pdb, .lit, .prc, etc. Is there anything that reads multiple formats?