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  1. M

    Gp32 Flu On Ebay

    Hi Rene! I didn't even see your responses here, I just used the emails. For anyone selling anything on ebay, don'tmention Homebrew. They pulled my auction because of it saying it violated their policy.
  2. M

    Gp32 Flu On Ebay

    If anyone is interested, I just listed my GP32Flu on ebay with games and accessories. I have a chatboard, 10 SMC cards (128Mb), many retail games, 2RF connectors, and an extra red joystick cap.
  3. M

    Wtb: Gp2x, Gp32, Or Tapwave Zodiac

    Cool! I just sent you a PM.
  4. M

    Wtb: Gp2x, Gp32, Or Tapwave Zodiac

    I was just thinking of selling my GP32 FLU on ebay. It is in great shape, and has almost every homebrew game/emulator loaded onto about 8 SM cards. I would need to get $50 out of it to make it worth me giving it up though. :unsure:
  5. M

    Valhalla Port

    Cool, it works!! Now, do I just need the ogg files in the sfx and speech folders? I noticed there are still a bunch of wav files left.
  6. M

    Valhalla Port

    I get as far as the mkcramfs error. I am stuck at that point.
  7. M

    Valhalla Port

    So, if I don't know what python is or how to run a script, this game is probably beyond me huh?
  8. M

    Update - Xigon-x Alpha V0.3 Alot Of Updates

    Got it, thanks!
  9. M

    Update - Xigon-x Alpha V0.3 Alot Of Updates

    I am sure I am missing the obvious, but where can I download it?
  10. M

    Drmd V5 Beta 7 - For The Gp32

    Thanks for helping keep the GP32 scene alive!
  11. M

    Blue Angelo 4.99 Usd!!!!

    Yikes! They have it at $38!
  12. M

    Blue Angelo 4.99 Usd!!!!

    Is there anywhere else to buy this game? I missed my chance at gp32z.
  13. M

    New Ebook Reader App

    So currently there are only text file readers for the GP2X correct? By that I mean if you get ebooks online they are usually in several ebook formats like .pdb, .lit, .prc, etc. Is there anything that reads multiple formats?
  14. M

    Firmware 2.0.0 Next Week!

    I pulled a Sandisk 1Gig card out of my iPaq and formatted it, and it finally worked!
  15. M

    Upgrade To 2.0.0 Help Needed!

    No, I had to use the loader. I tried 5 other cards also. The one I am using is on the list for cards that should work (Edge 512)
  16. M

    Firmware 2.0.0 Next Week!

    I tried 7 different SD cards to no avail. This is crazy!
  17. M

    Upgrade To 2.0.0 Help Needed!

    I can't get it to work. I have my SD card formatted with FAT32, I unzip all 9 files to the root of the card, and it just boots up normally. Two of the image files are gone after boot, but no "updating" screen, and it still says FW 1.4. What am I missing?
  18. M

    Whats Your Favourite Console 2?

    The only ones I ever used are the GP32, GP2X and PSP. I guess I am just not into consoles, I would rather Play on the PC. I picked PSP since it is the only thing I have other than my Zodiac not collecting dust right now. And to piss everyone off. :P
  19. M

    Whats Your Favourite Console?

    No Gizmondo?@!?!?!?!? :P
  20. M

    Netpong 0.4 (with Serial Cable Gp32-gp32 !!!)

    Could you post a direct link? I can't read Spanish. :-(