Recent content by haplo

  1. H

    GP2X Installing Chrootable Gentoo On The Gp2x (guide)

    yep, you need cdc_ether, and the rndis server module. Just read through the networking section of my guide
  2. H

    GP2X Installing Chrootable Gentoo On The Gp2x (guide)

    Voyageur: I've gotten crossdev to install a toolchain that should work but xmerge-ing something fails saying the 'C compiler cannot create executables.' Also, I'd ideally like to find a way to merge the stage3 tarball and the cross compile root so it doesn't have to reinstall new versions of...
  3. H

    GP2X Installing Chrootable Gentoo On The Gp2x (guide)

    Yes I know lots of software probably won't work, but a surprising amount probably will. Far more than for the GP2X currently. Besides, this is probably also more for power users. I plan on picking up a USB keyboard and the breakout board soon. I did this specifically so that I could install...
  4. H

    GP2X Installing Chrootable Gentoo On The Gp2x (guide)

    It opens you up to all the software in Gentoo's package management system, portage There are a lot more things available for Gentoo on the ARM cpu than natively for the GP2X. I did it primarily because I want to play with Lisp on the GP2X, but there are a lot of...
  5. H

    GP2X Installing Chrootable Gentoo On The Gp2x (guide)

    Voyageur I would love any information you could post about using crossdev for this setup. I plan on writing a follow up about it. Also, I'm working on doing the same with debian. I've currently hit a snag though. A Gentoo install is ideally suited for this because this is standard issue...
  6. H

    GP2X Installing Chrootable Gentoo On The Gp2x (guide)

    Installing chrootable Gentoo on the GP2X I spent a bit of time doing this and then a good deal more time taking my notes and cleaning them up. Hopefully someone else will find this useful, and even help me with a few points I'm stuck on.
  7. H

    Should I Return My Gp2x Because Of Speaker

    probably he said he static linked it so no problem putting it on the nand then just insert it into the rc script presumably i ll play around with it when i have time for easy playing follow the instructions ot get shell access to your gp2x. Makes hacking it much easier...
  8. H

    Should I Return My Gp2x Because Of Speaker A program to toggle the speakers on/off not optimal (thatd be no broken) but I'd hate for gph to go under because they had to replace full expensive units with such a minor glitch. I just hope they learn and do better in the future.
  9. H

    Speakers Stay On When Headphones Are Plugged In

    ha awesome thank you its a mized blessing this works as a stop gap measure, it works now it be better if my unit wasnt broken and gph wasnt shipping more units with this problem but on the other sides its relatively minor, and i'd hate to have gph have to replace tons of the units. it's been a...
  10. H

    GP2X Usb Gadget Serial Drivers For Gp2x

    got it all working and wrote a mini guide for me, to get screen commands I run minicom with '-m' so it uses ALT for its commands Thanks everyone, this is super awesome
  11. H

    Firmware 1.2.0

    any idea as to when USB 2.0 will be properly supported? It's a pain having to rmmod ehci_hcd on my linux comps and not being able to use the gp2x at school with the windows boxes where I dont have the privledges required to disable ehci.
  12. H

    GP2X Usb Gadget Serial Drivers For Gp2x

    my question was what do i do with minicom? When I launch it it's always trying to use ttyS0 but I can go in and change that, but what else do I have to set up and what commands do i have to issue it to get it to connect. I've never used minicom or a serial terinal before. when I just cat...
  13. H

    GP2X Usb Gadget Serial Drivers For Gp2x

    ok, I've gotten to the point where I can cat/echo between my laptop and gp2x with the dev, but how does one use minicom to get a shell? I have a /dev/ACM0
  14. H

    We Need Pinball

    I was playing Metriod pinball on my friends DS and realized we really need pinball for the GP2X. It's got the shoulder buttons which are perfect for it. And pinball does rock.
  15. H

    The Ur-quan Masters

    for me, wehn i'm talking to people their picture shows up untill they speak. then its solid blue with the text on top. then when they are done back to their pic. I'm assuming some overlay drawing isnt working right. Also, after playing starcon1 in sega, I second making the diagonal keys count...