Ich verkaufe eine gebrauchte Rebirth-Edition Pandora in gutem Zustand. Sie wurde nicht allzu viel genutzt und ist voll funktionsfähig.
Sie liegt leider die meiste Zeit in einer Schublade und dafür ist sie zu schade.
Der Akku war bei Nichtbenutzung immer außerhalb gelagert, er hat keine...
one more request: can you make the window size fit the pandora screen please? or is there a way to scroll the window somehow? currently the bottom part is hidden and i guess the x to close the window is hidden, too.
thank you!
edit: hm i see on your screenshots that your window has the correct...
a fresh config looks for me like this
exactly! only that i don't have a documentation there :)
i added the same two lines as you at the end but it doesn't work. it doesn't even log anything about wrong credentials or a successful handshake. that's why i thought it may be an old version.
hi b-zar,
i cannot comment or vote in pndmanager. can you tell me what i need to do? what i tried after an hour of reading through the forums is adding 2 lines to settings.conf that read username and apikey (it would be nice to have this in a readme or in the pndmanager description btw.). but...
the last update did not fix the error either. i deleted the appdata folder, too, with no change. if you need any additional information or logs please let me know.
the pnd does not work for me. do i need to install qt separately? or is something else missing? this is the pnd_out error:
i have the newest firmware. thanks for your help and the port of course :)
Hi, I recently used the upgrade OS thing but at some point nothing happened anymore, with the terminal still being open. After about 10 minutes I closed the window and restarted. At some point I had an error message that the setup failed and I can find the errors in a log file. Now my "Toggle...