i found this and i thought you guys would be interested since open ttd was in the repo
here is a youtube video of it in action.
in the game's current state it still requires code from a copy of rct 2
Something like this already kinda exists called the asus Padfone X/S (depending where you live)
it runs android 4.4.2
here is a youtube video
i own one it and is a cool device.
the padfone x is for the U.S.A. on AT&T
the padfone S...
so most 8 inch or smaller Intel atom win 8.1 tablets are 64 bit processors with a 32 bit install of windows
I can verify this because i just bought a hp stream 7 which has the same processor. i am not sure where you can finda build of mame, but try to search on Google.