Recent content by dentrado

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    Dink Smallwood

    I found this thread on the clanlib forums, I didn't read very careful, but it seems as if they have a GL1 target that uses only requires OpenGL 1.3, and that it could be used for OpenGL ES 1.1. Quotes from the developer rombust: and here's another thread about the GL1 target: Introducing...
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    Holy Shit, Robots!

    @zapman and Traylorpark: looks really good!
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    Frying An Arm Chip

    As fischju2000 posted earlier: from TI: So according to TI even overvolting is supported but will shorten the lifespan of the Omap, however it will still last for longer than the warranty. (As Tom said...
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    Painting Homebrew For Pandora

    +1, MyPaint looks really good. I have tried it with a wacom-tablet and it has support for pressure sensitivity.
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    A Paint App Port Request

    I think MyPaint would be nice to have on the pandora. from the webpage: The webpage also lists a couple of other similar apps that may be worth looking into:
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    What I Want To See On My Pandora

    I think the overhead is quite neglectible, you have already seen pandora run several games and apps written in C++, for example firefox, without problems. I can understand people being a bit sceptic to Python (even if i think it will work fine for smaller things) on the pandora, but C++? People...
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    Suggested Nand File-System: Ubifs

    Sounds like a good idea, according to wikipedia it's the filesystem used on the nokia n900 too
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    Just out of curiosity, what is the game called?
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    Arduino Ide Port - Help

    The IDE is written in java, but to compile the arduino sketches it uses avr-gcc and to upload them it uses avrdude, and gcc and avrdude are written in c. edit: spelling
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    Call To All Swedish!

    I'm in Umeå too.
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    A New Window Manager For Xfce ?

    They have, there are several windowmanagers that support tabs. Pekwm, fluxbox, and compiz are the ones I can remember now, but there are others too I think. edit: the first to use tabs was PWM.
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    A New Window Manager For Xfce ?

    PyTyle is a possibility, it's not a wm in itself, it's just a tiling manager that works togheter with any EMWH compliant wm, like xfwm (xfces wm). It's written in python so it should be easy to get it running. You can turn on and off tiling per workspace, it has similar behavior to Xmonad, and...
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    Pandora Os - Themes?

    Yes. you can switch gtk themes, on xfce-look you can find a lot of themes. I also think they could change the default gtk theme to something a little bit more exiting, but it should be easy to change yourself.
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    Drudge Report....

    Sounds good, a donation system for open-source/free software is a must.
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    Best Local Dev Environment

    Yes X over ssh works acceptably (not super smooth) for me to connect to my university's computers from home, and that's over ADSL so it could probably work good for you.