as a rule i always go buy if the company name has 3 or more syllables (or initials) there laptops are usually the better
Toshiba <---my recommendation
Alien ware...oh wait there owned by dell now....pity
if you go cheap then go for a HP my girlfriends HP (ZV6000) has had an
although usb sound devices are getting better. I always found pci cards with an external BOB to be the best.
I used a Sound blaster audigy2 platinum Ex to plug in in my guitar and i got very little unwanted distortion through my crappy speakers (about the same as a cheap amplifier).
i think...
at least it shows some of the features of what the machine is capable of. ive yet to see a flying ps3 in real life.
incidentally the logo was cool they should add that as a firmware update.
on the subject of firmware does this mean 2 versions will be released or just 1 that will consume space...
darn i was gonna suggest troma movies.
attack of the killer tomatoes spring to mind but i cant remember much about it.
zombie island massacre
redneck zombies
the above two ive not seen but i hear there pretty gory
there was another series of film i forget what its called but it was...