Recent content by Chorlton

  1. C

    Drmd Ver2 Cant Get Roms To Load

    Im trying to run DrMD v2 (via Windups 0.9). Every rom Ive tried to open has performed an abort and brought up the bios monitor. Ive had a few exception messages but the most common has been 'Exception: External on Translation'. Any ideas? As I want to play sonic, road rash and micro machines...
  2. C

    Query With Williams Defender

    Sounds like the GP is one button too short to properly play this. Never mind, Joust runs great though through mame
  3. C

    Query With Williams Defender

    Ive had a go on defender today (been trying to get Mikie to work but think this may be due to a bad rom issue) Anyway with defender I thought you could turn your ship around? I'm pretty sure on the old computer versions (even going back to the Electron) this was possible. A button maps to fire...
  4. C

    Most wanted

    Excellent, I'll take a look. A few other games I'd love to see on a handheld: 'Felix In The Factory' from my old BBC Electron games. I used to play that one for hours. A version of 'back2skool' and 'skooldaze' of the spectrum would rock.
  5. C

    Most wanted

    Probably coming late to the game here (only got my GP32) last week. A great game to make a version of on the GP32 would be... 'BISHI BASHI'. This was a game on the Playstation, but it was really 100's of small simple games which were randomised and then selected into a tournament. Button...