gameboy advance


Still Fresh
Apr 17, 2003
Please help i cant find a gameboy advance Emulator for my gp32 !!!!
can anyone mail me a copy or point me to the right page.
There isn't one.

As has been posted repeatedly in these forums and stated in reviews, there is a proof of concept type beta GBA emulator that is 1) Privately released only, 2) Only runs 4 meg roms, and 3) Is not full speed or at playable speeds.

If you bought your GP32 to pirate GBA games, sorry... you should have read closer first and gotten a GBA and flash cart.

*Points finger at any fool who bought GP32 just to pirate GBA games with it and LAUGHS!*
Nutzo posted on May 5 2003 said:

*Points finger at any fool who bought GP32 just to pirate GBA games with it and LAUGHS!*

there's sooooooo much more to the GP32 than potentially using it just to play GBA games anyway! (and let's face it, most of the best GBA games are just souped-up-SNES conversions anyway ;))

the only game i use my GBA for is Mario Kart Advance really (such a great game!)....the list of games i use my GP32 for is almost endless! :P

playing GBA games was the last thing i wanted a GP32 for...
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I dont, I just got it for Master System emulation more than anything.

Stuff like GBC and SNES (and the soon to be released genesis emu) are just a very nice added bonus.
Axeman posted on May 6 2003 said:
Am I the only one who doesn;t give a flying rat's ass about the GBA emulator? :P
Heck no! Not only do I not care, I don't even want one. I have a GBA SP, I can already play GBA games just fine. Plus, I have serious doubts about how well GBA emulation on GP32 could be, not to mention potential legal issues if such a thing happened. I don't think Nintendo would stay quiet about such a thing.

Anyway, as others said, there's SOOOO many great reasons to own a GP32, a GBA emu isn't needed at all. Personally, PCE/TG-16 games have always been some of my favorites, so GPengine alone is more than reason enough to own GP32. And the author, Black, recently posted on the GPengine board that he's making good progress improving Gpengine and even adding multiplayer! Just look at all the incredible developments in the past week alone - FULL SPEED Atari ST with sound, Doom with sound and saves etc. Who the heck needs GBA!?
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My sentiments exactly :D

Not that I wouldn't have a fiddle about when it does get released - just not a life and death situation for me as it seems for so many others....
I'd like to see a GBA emu, but not as much as snes or genesis, and DEFINATELY not if it'll cause legal problems for either the emu author or gamepark itself. Still, i cant see how an emulator on a handheld is any different (from a legal point of view) to an emu on a PC. Surely flash carts are a bigger threat to sales than a lil handheld no-one knows about? :)
I don't think there would be any huge legal difficulties... Nintendo MIGHT go after ROM sites hosting GBA roms more, but that would be about it. The GP32 itself is just an open source console, it doesn't have any special graphics chips or anything that would make it illegal in respects to the GBA (just my thoughts, who knows what Nintendo would try of course).

My worry if a GBA emulator is ever developed is for the community. Yes, in one respect it would help the community as sales would increase some at least. But, I think the quality of people joining the community would decrease immensely. This is a great set of people who want the best for the machine and the gaming industry in general... we all just love games! If there was a GBA emulator, most people joining (buying GP32s) would be interested in nothing more than pirating GBA games "and more".

My two cents, probably nonsense!
Arutha posted on May 6 2003 said:
I don't think there would be any huge legal difficulties... Nintendo MIGHT go after ROM sites hosting GBA roms more, but that would be about it. The GP32 itself is just an open source console, it doesn't have any special graphics chips or anything that would make it illegal in respects to the GBA (just my thoughts, who knows what Nintendo would try of course).

My worry if a GBA emulator is ever developed is for the community. Yes, in one respect it would help the community as sales would increase some at least. But, I think the quality of people joining the community would decrease immensely. This is a great set of people who want the best for the machine and the gaming industry in general... we all just love games! If there was a GBA emulator, most people joining (buying GP32s) would be interested in nothing more than pirating GBA games "and more".

My two cents, probably nonsense!
I couldn`t agree with you more. :)

The last thing we need is gate crashers
coming to our party. :lol:

Just my 2p.
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The reason so many of us enjoy emulators like CaSTaway and Frodo is the hardware and software is no longer available, and the ability to play those games while on the go never existed in the first place.

The minute (if it ever comes) the GP32 can emulate the GBA perfectly ... hoo boy, you think these forums are bad now? It'll be 1000 times this busy, with people wanting roms, and wanting to know why game X doesn't run, etc. Worse, it'll probably drive off half of the currently established scene. I know that I wouldn't check these message boards as much as I do if they filled up with GBA posts. Hell, I think there are too many GBA posts as it is, and there isn't even a publicly available demo available.

As far as drawning attention to ourselves, you bet big N would come after a device that plays their games for free. They'd try and shut down the emu, the sites, and the users. You say that it would help the scene by "sales," but, who would be buying these gp32s? Exactly, the same people that now go "I want this" and "gimmie gimmie gimmie" and "emulator X sucks because it doesn't run 1 game perfectly", not the people that are doing the development or the coding or the beta testing or ... the work.

I've been waiting 20 years to be able to play Atari 2600 games "on the road," and the GP32 fills that need perfectly. People wanting to play GBA games should go buy a GBA.
Well, there was the same problem with people flooding boards when PGEN (Genesis emulator for the PS2) was released at
Today, all the "old" members have a private area chatting and the other guys flood the rest of the board ;)
I've been waiting 20 years to be able to play Atari 2600 games "on the road," and the GP32 fills that need perfectly. People wanting to play GBA games should go buy a GBA.

Flack, nicely said m8, agree completely :)
Flack posted on May 6 2003 said:
People wanting to play GBA games should go buy a GBA.
While I agree that GBA games are commercial and well available, so it's not good to pirate them, I could easily say the same about Gameboy, Gameboy Color and NeoGeo Pocket Color -- all which are emulable under the GP32.

Personally I see nothing wrong in the GP32 emulating the GBA, as long as it is used legally...

- Rico
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Well, I only have a GBA to play Zelda :)
It would really be nice to take only one machine with you instead of two (... and you always need ONE cartridge per game on the GBA...)

So, a GBA emulator CAN be used legal - and would be pretty nice :)
Well... for me it's nowhere near the top priorities. Like others have said, I want to play all those OLD games that I miss. It's been so nice to revisit them and discover that a lot of them still hold the same level of playability and fascination now as back then...

PLaying GBA games just wouldn't hold the fascination for me - it'd be more of a technical curiosity.