Will My Gp32 Explode?


Still Fresh
Feb 27, 2004
i have heard that it is dangerous to ouverclock, but why?can it destroy my gp32? :unsure: :(
OC'g via software (I.E. thru an emulator's menu) is harmless to the GP32. Worst thing that will happen is the GP32 re-booting itself.

Now if you go the voltage-mod way ... oooh brother; if done incorrectly, you WILL fry your GP32!!
Yup Craig (im sure it was him) did a Test and left it on 166mhz straight for Hours and Hours and Hours and Hours and Hours and Hours and it didnt harm it :D

I Overclock mine all the time, it reduces the batteries life but cant see any harm to the GP32 :D

Only thing is Some can overclock higher than others and some cant even overclock :(
I overclock mine all the time on open snes9x but nothing much happens. The worst thing that happens is that the screen goes screwed up. But after going in and out of the menu it's all fine. I agree that o/c on a software is no prob. :lol:
NiN^_^NiN posted on Apr 14 2004 at 09:13 AM said:
I still dont OC cause we still dont know the effects down the track its been a while but i still dont bother :P

and i dont use anything that has Oc options lol ^_^

what do you use your gp32 for then? most things overclock.
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At first i completely avoided overclocking because of urban legends such as your gp32 being fried. But it's not 100% sure that it won't affect your gp32. The choice is up to the user. :D
Do any of you understand what Overclock really means?

Apparently not. Thanks for scolding the lot of us man. You know, the topic was created in the hopes of some explanation ...

I think your harshness was a bit misplaced, if you ask me. Not all of us are uber 1337 coders like you. <_<

Edit: I see SOMEONE removed his post.
TelcoLou posted on Apr 14 2004 at 11:42 AM said:
Do any of you understand what Overclock really means?

Apparently not. Thanks for scolding the lot of us man. You know, the topic was created in the hopes of some explanation ...

I think your harshness was a bit misplaced, if you ask me. Not all of us are uber 1337 coders like you. <_<

Edit: I see SOMEONE removed his post.
I had my post removed before it caused trouble, it was a bit harsh, like you said :) I had it removed like 0.5 seconds after I posted it, you must have seen it EXACTALLY as it was posted.

There are things that bother me about peoples ignorance, and it hits this big red flashing button I have, so I tend to make posts to spout my anger at their ignorance. Usually I cool off and edit my post or have it removed if no one has replied to it.

Thats all :) I am a really nice person...really...:)
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sam fisher posted on Apr 14 2004 at 05:37 PM said:
Is there a website where I can learn to make gp32 games?
I'd like to try to make them. :ph34r:
Goto any C / C++ website and learn how to program in that language first, then simply download the C/C++ libs and compiler from any of the kits devkitadv is a good one, and program like any normal C/C++ program.
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