Game Gear


La vieille dame et les pigeons
Mar 16, 2004
North Wales, UK
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Has anyone got a game gear. My uncle kid of modded mine because the AV cable part was buggered. I had the game shinobi for it. But tbh I don't like it that much. I think it's becuae I haven't got many games for it. :P
I also have a gamegear with about 20 games...
but now thanks to the GP32 I dont waste anymore power with the gamegear itselt : I just emulate it on the GP32...

but gamegear was a good handheld (if you can carry batteries)

see you :lol:
Heh i remember trading my gamegear and games for Street Fightrer II on import and zelda for snes... Streetfighhter II was a shocking £75, god catridges were sooo expensive.
I bought a Game Gear back in the day, but never really got that much use out of it. Realistically, you could only use plugged in to the mains so it was only practical to take it on journeys where you knew there was a socket waiting for you at the other end.

Good/bad points.

+ A powerful handheld that's capable of producing graphics and sound that are respectable even today
+ Some great little games: Sonic, NBA Jam, Shinobi etc.
+ Clear, bright, sizeable backlit screen
+ You can hook a TV tuner up to this and have colour TV no prob

- The battery life is appaulingly low
- You need eight batteries to power this mother. EIGHT!
- It's way too big. Yes, I can hold it my hands. I can hold an Xbox in my hands, too, but that doesn't make it a handheld! This thing is a brick.
- The unit itself is poorly designed. The d-pad is comfortable but too loose, same for the buttons. You just don't feel right holding it (although that might have something to do with the enormous weight & size)
- It has a few good games, but not many. Most are genreic platform crap that were plaguing most consoles back in the day.

Plus my screen is brok0red. It's playable, but a few lines and dots have blacked out. I still buy games for this when I see them at a decent price, but I wouldn't actively search them out.
Huxley posted on Apr 17 2004 at 02:41 PM said:
I bought a Game Gear back in the day, but never really got that much use out of it. Realistically, you could only use plugged in to the mains so it was only practical to take it on journeys where you knew there was a socket waiting for you at the other end.

Good/bad points.

+ A powerful handheld that's capable of producing graphics and sound that are respectable even today
+ Some great little games: Sonic, NBA Jam, Shinobi etc.
+ Clear, bright, sizeable backlit screen
+ You can hook a TV tuner up to this and have colour TV no prob

- The battery life is appaulingly low
- You need eight batteries to power this mother. EIGHT!
- It's way too big. Yes, I can hold it my hands. I can hold an Xbox in my hands, too, but that doesn't make it a handheld! This thing is a brick.
- The unit itself is poorly designed. The d-pad is comfortable but too loose, same for the buttons. You just don't feel right holding it (although that might have something to do with the enormous weight & size)
- It has a few good games, but not many. Most are genreic platform crap that were plaguing most consoles back in the day.

Plus my screen is brok0red. It's playable, but a few lines and dots have blacked out. I still buy games for this when I see them at a decent price, but I wouldn't actively search them out.
lol true about the size.
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skysnapper posted on Apr 13 2004 at 12:43 PM said:
Heh i remember trading my gamegear and games for Street Fightrer II on import and zelda for snes... Streetfighhter II was a shocking £75, god catridges were sooo expensive.
I love retro gaming and have got a NEs and loads of carts. Burt I sadly wasn't around at the time. :(
Out of curiosity how much did the average cart cost and for what console? And how much did a console cost lol.
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skysnapper posted on Apr 13 2004 at 12:43 PM said:
Heh i remember trading my gamegear and games for Street Fightrer II on import and zelda for snes... Streetfighhter II was a shocking £75, god catridges were sooo expensive.
I dread to think how much money I've spent on that bloody game in all it's builds and guises on various systems! One of my all time favourite games. :)
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I dont have a GG but I do have a Nomad, which has the same battery life, but, is worth it because its a portable genesis (although it wont be needed here soon...) I have great games for it all the genesis phantasy stars, shinning force's, shining in the darkness, hellfire, streetfighter etc..., Sega made some of the best systems, I could just imagine what kind of system they would make for this next gen battle, maybe even a new handheld....oh well, cant change the past.
kknd_cf posted on Apr 13 2004 at 10:37 AM said:
Has anyone got a game gear. My uncle kid of modded mine because the AV cable part was buggered. I had the game shinobi for it. But tbh I don't like it that much. I think it's becuae I haven't got many games for it. :P
what do u mean by AV Cable?? AV To plug it into the TV ????

I also have a GG :D Kicks ass :D
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I've had one imported from Japan back in 1994. This thing rocks in terms of power and sound, but the games catalogue were mostly Japanese platformers and fighting games. And I still, to this day, do not understand why this machine needs eight solid AA batteries which last for a good three hours.

I wouldn't complain, though - the original Gameboy didn't produce any colours and the sound was purely crap.
Yeah I've owned about 5 game gears with about 40 games. It was okay but the battery life made it shite.....
did the UK or japanese version of teh game gear need 8 batteries? cuz mine uses 6...weird...can joo people count?!game gear is kewl...what are sum good games for it? i have a bunch of puzzle games for mine, and card games...i think i have a sonic game as well...tell me about some good games, and why they are good...think i might go to the used game store tomorrow and get some games to feed it ;) i haven't played it in a while...

ooh, i also have a nomad...i got it when i was 8 or 9 and traded my game gear for it...i was soooo excited to finally have one...all those stoopid kids with their gameboy pockets...didn't know WHAT they were missing...COLOR :ph34r: