I own an RF adaptor, and so far i haven't run into any problems with the amount of data it can transfere (Gigas) - however, as i dont have a second GP32 with a second RF adaptor its impossible to tell if the data is getting sent or not
I think craigix was saying that it was only around 1000bps... not enough for doom multiplayer, anyway. Personally, I also have no idea ;-)
People keep referring to "Black's RF libs" but I've never seen them personally... I guess this person called "Black" (who is, apparently, a Kiwi like myself ) made some libraries to communicate through the RF links. Anyone know where that code is?
So as trans said, the rflib is by black-, the one who also wrote gpengine. It was made for the multiplayer mode in gpengine. It works fine and a new version will be out sometime.
My gpasteroids still uses gp's rf functions (and is thus a little slow in multiplayer mode), but Jump'n'bump of trans uses black-'s rflib already and has a very smooth performance.
I dont know wether the rflib is publicly available, but if you want it and have also a reason for using it apart from "i have never coded a line in my life, but it should be open source, yadda yadda" contact black- and just ask him.