GP32 Rf Linkage


Still Fresh
Mar 13, 2004
How fast, approximately or accurately, does the RF link transfer data? (in kbps or bps or whatever.) Also, what would the latency be?
According to something i read it is 19k2 kbps, dunno if that is true or not since i don't have one of those rf thingie myself..

I own an RF adaptor, and so far i haven't run into any problems with the amount of data it can transfere (Gigas) - however, as i dont have a second GP32 with a second RF adaptor its impossible to tell if the data is getting sent or not :D

192kbps sounds a little on the high-side tho :P
I think craigix was saying that it was only around 1000bps... not enough for doom multiplayer, anyway. Personally, I also have no idea ;-)

People keep referring to "Black's RF libs" but I've never seen them personally... I guess this person called "Black" (who is, apparently, a Kiwi like myself :)) made some libraries to communicate through the RF links. Anyone know where that code is?
mithris posted on Apr 7 2004 at 08:23 PM said:
Oops..:D i ment 19k2 bps.. not kbps..:D

i wish that we could get 19k2 bps, but that is the serialconnection speed to the rflink only

the real transmission speed between two rflinks is much lowwwwwwerrrr,
because of the protcol overhead.

so, look on my server: (thanks to black-)

Successfuly used in my little Jump'n Bump and GPengine !

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trans: That's really interesting...

Could you make the file "gamerf.c" available? I can see the Doxygen-generated stuff, and I can see gamerf.h, but not the .c file.

Thanks! :)
trans posted on Apr 7 2004 at 11:18 PM said:
so at look on my server: (thanks to black-)

Successfuly used in my little Jump'n Bump and GPengine !
So as trans said, the rflib is by black-, the one who also wrote gpengine. It was made for the multiplayer mode in gpengine. It works fine and a new version will be out sometime.

My gpasteroids still uses gp's rf functions (and is thus a little slow in multiplayer mode), but Jump'n'bump of trans uses black-'s rflib already and has a very smooth performance.

I dont know wether the rflib is publicly available, but if you want it and have also a reason for using it apart from "i have never coded a line in my life, but it should be open source, yadda yadda" contact black- and just ask him.
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