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Somebody Delete This Please

p.s: That site is totally illegal

Actually after closer inspection i find that tthe site is actually a joke, not a very funny one though
I believe that is Meonlyeviler's site. (atleast thats the site linked via his signature)

However, scarface should be banned, and have his IP address and email banned as well. Although we all know its a joke, he obviously thought he was getting real warez. What a moron. LOL
yes Its not my falut that your a loser with no life.So if u wanted to call someone a moron say it to there face cause sayin on a board is what a fucking bitch would do.And that was a very stupid statement about my shit gettin banned cause you could not ban my ip address you dumbass.cause mine changes every time i turn my comp off fucktard.
Hey, good job. I think you swore at least once every single sentence like some sort of eighth grader.

What exactly makes Akuma a "loser with no life"? You were the one digging around for GP32 warez. You know, GP32 by that company Gamepark that can barely support itself off the sales it gets from commercial games? Who's the low-life loser now? I also personally can't stand the fact that you were completely oblivious to the large amount of SARCASM on the GP32 Warez site. It's a very obvious joke and it flew right over your head. Now you're just a humorless, stupid, low-life loser.

To top it all off, why do idiots like you always resort to the "say it to my face" bit. Do you seriously think someone as smart as Akuma would take the time to travel all the way to wherever the hell you might live just to call you a moron? I mean, you make it readily apparent just from posting. I don't think those miles need to be traveled.


Ha, alright, sorry. I'm done with this kid. :lol:
scarface posted on Apr 4 2004 at 10:04 AM said:
yes Its not my falut that your a loser with no life.So if u wanted to call someone a moron say it to there face cause sayin on a board is what a fucking bitch would do.And that was a versy stupind statement about my shit gettin banned cause you could not ban my ip address you dumbass.cause mine changes every time i turn my comp off fucktard.
Such maturity.

I'm surprised you know HOW to turn your "comp" off.

But your right, I mean with mature phrases like "fucking bitch" and "you dumbass" you must be much more intelligent than I am, I guess I am just "versy stupind" like you said.

I mean images like

Didnt even tip me off one bit, no sir, I was totally fooled. Unlike you, of course, right?
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this would even if have gotten started if u wouldnt have been a dick about it. yes I made a mistake.But you were the on not acting very could have just answered instead of being a dick.
Not acting mature?

Ok, lets compare us:

1. You steal games from companies that can barely afford to live as it is

1. I make games in my free time for everyone to enjoy free of charge.

2. You ask for help in breaking the law and trying to help bring about the destruction of the GP32.

2. I help people and answer questions, and be a great person to have arround.

3. You use swear words in every sentence to make up for the lack of intelligent thought

3. I have no need to call people a "dick" and a "dumb ass" and a "fucking bitch", I can get my point across without all of that harsh language.

Yeah, you are definitly a much better person than I am!

Do you realize you stealing games effects us ALL? That GamePark can barely afford to stay in bussiness as it is, and does so only by our continued support? And if people download pirated copies of the games, they lose out on potential customers, putting them at even more of a loss, until eventually they cannot even hold their doors open and the GP32 becomes another discontinued handheld? Do you realize that? This isnt Nintendo we are talking about. A company that can take a big hit in sales and still push on. This is a small company that operates out of korea that is trying to stay alive.

A company where EVERY SINGLE purchase counts. As does every single loss of a potential customer because of piracy.

A company that is trying to get bigger and do more and has a schedualed europe launch to try and expand so they can provide us with more and better games and accessories. How do you think it looks to potential game developers, seeing pirated games floating arround unchecked? You think it makes them feel safe and secure in making more commercial games? You are not only screwing us when you download pirated GP32 games, you are also screwing yourself.

Atleast I can say one thing good, you did post in the correct forum, because you really do, need help.

Honestly though, this topic should be locked and put into the LOL files.
yes that is all i do steal games from companys.whem im sure you have roms(not all roms) on your gp32 which is illegal.That is game pirating.and you must have a low IQ cause the question I posted had nothing to do with breaking the law.I wasnt asking for the downlaod.I was simply asking If any one could get it to work.which is not illegal.yes im sure your nice to have around,so you can be immature and answer questions rudely.You can be intelligent and swear too.but you automattically judge other people which is immature.and you making games and distibuting them for free does not make you a good person.
Damn, I was enjoying reading that site, and it's just tripped over it's bandwidth limit. That's very funny, I can believe you thought it was real warez, scarface. Were your parents blood related?
scarface did you really believe this site ??? werent you just takin the piss ? plzzz tell me you were takin the piss? :blink: the hudson soft game running on the blue gamepark did look real tho :unsure:
no i have not really even had a chance to look at the site i just heard about it.but now im definitly not even goin look at it.cabbage that is a badass animation what site did you get that from?Or did you make with flash cause my friend made a cool one with a samurai running through a forest.
scarface posted on Apr 4 2004 at 11:05 AM said:
yes that is all i do steal games from companys.whem im sure you have roms(not all roms) on your gp32 which is illegal.That is game pirating.and you must have a low IQ cause the question I posted had nothing to do with breaking the law.I wasnt asking for the downlaod.I was simply asking If any one could get it to work.which is not illegal.yes im sure your nice to have around,so you can be immature and answer questions rudely.You can be intelligent and swear too.but you automattically judge other people which is immature.and you making games and distibuting them for free does not make you a good person.
Actually, I only have a few NES roms and a couple GB (normal gameboy) and SMS games, of which I own the cartridges (probably about 10 roms in total). Other then that, I use my GP32 for my own games and other freely downloadable games (just go to the many "What do you have on your SMC" threads and you can see from my posts in there what I have.

However, that is neither here nor there. Nintendo, and the companies that produce games for their systems, can easily handle the loss of millions in potential sales and not lose a nights sleep. GamePark and the very few companies that make games for it, however, can not.

There is a crucial difference from stealing from the rich, and stealing from the poor. The rich wont notice the loss, the poor will die from it.
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scarface posted on Apr 4 2004 at 11:31 AM said:
some poor people have to break the law to get by.
Dont gimme that line.

Thats for food and shelter, and the nessesties of life. I dont think ASR falls under that catagory.

There are hundreds of freely available games to play on your game park, and emulators with roms that are not commercially available anymore (so its no loss to anyone). You have no reason to "need" to download ASR, not to mention, ITS KOREAN.

Even if you managed to get a hold of a pirated copy of ASR, it wouldnt do you much good, its a korean RPG with no translation available. And you pirating it, wont help us get that translation any faster.
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only thing i need on mine is dungeon and guarder and simpson episodes.oh yea an the doom 2 with the simpson wad
you do not need a translated game for it to be good.and besides when i order the Frontlit ASR pack for of it ever gets available again.I will go through the whole thig and submit a text based translation for it.
nes and sms roms are so old that they dont sell them anymore anyway so its not as bad. Stealing from the rich is still stealing tho :o
both of EB and Gamestop sell nes games and snes games still.did you look at that site cabbage?
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