Need A Copy Of Astonishia Story R


Thew away PSP for a DS! WOOT
Apr 12, 2004
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as some of you might know, ive decided to translate asr into english, however im having a difficult time finding a copy of the gp32 version since it was released so long ago. so if you find any info on where i can get it, or you do have a copy of asr and you live in usa, please do tell.
Actually, you are in luck. I have the boxed version of the game and have managed to copy the astro.dat file onto the PC which contains all the game info and script. I can't email it as it's 30mb but I could arrange to have it burnt onto CD and post it to you? It's only the dat file so you wouldn't be able to play it on GP32 but I know you just want to translate the text.
I can find asr. but i want to buy it!!
is it impossible to get asr ?? is the game sold out? :o :blink: :( :angry:
thats realy bad. or can someone tell me where i can buy it?
Actually, you are in luck. I have the boxed version of the game and have managed to copy the astro.dat file onto the PC which contains all the game info and script. I can't email it as it's 30mb but I could arrange to have it burnt onto CD and post it to you? It's only the dat file so you wouldn't be able to play it on GP32 but I know you just want to translate the text.

30 megs? geez... isnt their another way to give it to me online so you wouldnt have to go through all the troubles. mayber you can use winrar to some how make them into smaller parts. ive often seen it done on anime episodes.