Not sure what you mean by "events", but it's got interrupts pretty much the same as any half-decent microcontroller/processor. Look into the datasheet for how to use the interrupts (FIQs/IRQs), or browse my gpDrive source code, or Mr Spiv's timer examples, etc.
Interupts: Recurring events making it possible to jump to a self-defined block of code
Events: for example, when pressing a button, an event occurs making the machine jump to a self-defined block of code,
Those events you're referring to aren't microprocessor or platform-specific as IRQs, they rely on the environment and/or programming language you're using. I guess you are thinking of Visual Basic, where you place a button and just type in some code for various events. As you're supposed to code C, you won't have something like that built-in, but writing some event drivers shouldn't be too hard IMO.
Well.. Actually I'm thinking of assembler language on my old Amstrad CPC.. It had 3 recurring interupts at 2x50Hz and 1x300Hz.. Also, when the printer was turned online an event was sent to the machine so I could trigger a short jumpblock. Well.. This happened with keystrokes and joystick-moves as well.
You can setup user-defined timer interrupts on the gp32, but the keypresses are normally polled. The other interrupt types are: Watch dog timer, 5 Timer, 6 UART, 8 External interrupts, 4 DMA, 2 RTC, 1 ADC, 1 IIC, 1 SPI, 1 MMC, 2 USB)