
don't be embarrased, be proud you took place in a state of the art Census of gamers and parents about the issue of videogame violence and addiction!

... or not... whatev XD
my letter:

can't believe what you're saying! No one is idiotic enough to be influenced by a videogame. Also when in your life have you ever heard or actually seen an example of this happening! Also your little table is simply pathetic. It's so fake and pretty much all your info and stastics are completely unreal, the science is awful! Don't forget these violent videogames do have laws for the ages that kids can play on them. So if you do let your kids illegally play games that are rated to high for them, it's your fault since you're complete idiots that won't even take any of the stuff I'm writing in since you're blinded by your own stupidity!

Also you're the kind of mothers that to be completely frank couldn't give a hoot about your children. It all started about them but now you're just doing it for you. I think you're all pathetic idiots. You've lso offended me and basically all my friends. Telling us we're all mentally unstable! For saying things like this simply for playing a unrealistic, barely violent MMORPG is sueable! You're offensive and crude and I think you should be reported. Also if you ever sue these game companys(which you never will because you're awful and your reasons are pathetic) you will be making people lose their jobs whol like you also have children and they will become poor and starve and I think having that on your consience is much worse than a made up charachter in a game dying!

From Thomas Board 15
I was of course joking, I'd never used PWNED in normal conversation when a simple 'bwhahahaha you're an idiot' would do :)