Newbie Thrashing


"Very" Old Timer
Jan 31, 2004
Please try to be a bit more civil to the noobs. They after all are the future. Not everyone is able to search the web and or the forum like they were born with a silver mouse up their arse so give the noobs a break. If you don't like their questions don't answer them but don't slag them off either. It's not adult and it certainly doesn't help the GP32 community.

This is the text from the "I need help" forum heading:

"This is a forum for very new users and not only, there is no such thing as a stupid question in here. Have any problem ? Just ask for help."
Well, you can see how those people behave if they're not satisfied with the answers they get. I don't see the point why regular readers and writers should write whole books each time one asks the same question as the "noob" before. That's what stickies and faqs are made for. It's bad enough people are too lazy to look for information by themselves, no, they won't read stickies and faqs, and even worse, they are not satisfied with short answers.
Why should people answer the same questions over and over again? For their postcount? I don't see the point. People who have some more mature relation to the internet try to find information on their own. I can understand if someone asks for information that's hidden in some 600 page book. But why do they ask for information available two mouse clicks away?
The answer is to read the faqs and stickies, search the forums and then ask a question if needs be.

If the answer is in the faq, just point someone to it instead of ripping their head off....

heck, after the euro release there are going to be a hell of a lot more newbies so might as well get used to them :P
Newbies should learn to use the search function on the board- If I go to a board and want to ask a question I always do a search for before I ask.
axeman, can you do something like a notice on top of the page like it is with Market place?
don posted on Mar 28 2004 at 03:20 PM said:
Well at you can see how those people behave if they're not satisfied with the answers they get. I don't see the point why regular readers and writers should write whole books each time one asks the same question as the "noob" before. That's what stickies and faqs are made for. It's bad enough people are too lazy to look for information by themselves, no, they won't read stickies and faqs, and even worse, they are not satisfied with short answers.
Why should people answer the same questions over and over again? For their postcount? I don't see the point. People who have some more mature relation to the internet try to find information on their own. I can understand if someone asks for information that's hidden in some 600 page book. But why do they ask for information available two mouse clicks away?
DUDE dont cry!!!
If u get pissed of with em why in hell do u keep replying just to flame them, if u wanted to flame someone just use the search tool and in a couple of clicks u could be flaming someone who doesnt give two shits

EDIT: Just did a search for dons name and u'd be surprised to learn he doesnt appear to b a happy fella, most of his post are either whining about thing being put in the wrong place or n00bs. Just remember at one point u were a n00b and i bet smug little gits on forums pissed u off just like u do to all us n00bs. Just coz u think u know everything doesnt mean u shud flame people who dont
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I know, when i was stuck and i spent AGES trying to figure out what was wrong with my GP32 i really couldnt b arsed with people like don who put u down wen all u need is a hand. I like helping n00bs despite nowing sweet FA about anything. One of these guys mite create something great u never know
Bollocks, I might have been a n00b at one stage, but I was always civil and polite, and learned how to spell before I went near a keyboard.

People need to pay attention at school and maybe learn some manners before posting. And actually read the information that's there before asking about a GBA emulator or porting Unreal.
Nothing wrong with helping people and pointing them in the direction of faq's and the search function at the same time. Like has been said if you don't want to help then don't answer a post. I can see the other side though after seeing the same question pop up again and again it can get annoying. Especially when its the same person posting because they didn't like/didn't read the answer to their other post.
don posted on Mar 28 2004 at 03:20 PM said:
Why should people answer the same questions over and over again? For their postcount?
Well, i guess half your posts are answers to the same newbie questions ?? Maybe you just flame the newbies to get a higher postcount ?? :P
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I just ask for a MORE VISIBLE search button. Search button is so hidden in the boards: Top,right , middle of never used buttons (forums&members) and very shady.

If a search textbox can be put on top left (near gp32Extreme text), many people could use that feature.

But I know that these script driven boards doesnt have any indexing mechanism, and searching takes too many cpu power and slows down the server.
Like taras said, there's nothing wrong with being a "noob". We all were "noobs" at some point. Sure. But the difference is actually how you behave when gathering information. There are people asking politely the same question, which is annoying when there are FAQs and HOWTOs and whatever. But well, that's how things are, and, if you have a closer look at my postings, as some of you FBI fellas already did, I pointed out where to find stuff quite a few times, even though possibly in some harsh tone. But, what I definitely can't stand is the thing happening this afternoon, when one guy asked stuff already written thousands of times in this forum and faqs, got a brief answer and still wasn't satisfied yet. Instead of looking for further information, he said the member answering him had like no plan about what he was talking and he wanted help about that subject from another one. That's why I really got angry. Look, there are people out there who spend their spare time to put FAQs and HOWTOs together, and literally NO ONE is reading them. Instead, there are dozens of topics each week concerning stuff that's already discussed in FAQs and stickies. Some of the actually interesting topics get lost from the frontpage or even from the first page of the forums, and some or even most people won't find them among all the noise.
Well, I'm not the only one being annoyed by the fact new members don't read the postings. I know that I'm the one actually being harsh, which might not be the fine way, but I really can't stand those repeating postings anymore. If it's a comfort to you, I don't hate anyone here, I don't hate "noobs" and I guess most people from the GP32 scene who know me a bit know that I'm not the noob eating monster you all think I am.
I won't write another posting regarding this topic, you might try to understand me or you might not. I don't care, really.
I see forums as places to chat and to discuss things. I myself 'lurked' on this forum for over a month but because ive been using the net for over 5 years I know proper net 'eticate' (sp?). Yes the search function is there but if a user wants to know something and you know, you should only be too happy to help. After all we are a small community :/.

Also with the new launch there will be alot of n00bs (gotta hate that word). I myself will be replying to these posts in a civil manner as I want to be nice to all people no matter how stupid they may be XD