Help With Purchacing.


Still Fresh
Mar 27, 2004
First of all i would like to thank everyone for replying to my questions topic (even if it did go off-topic).

Okay I have decided to purchace the GP32 after all, it looks cool and i dont care what my mate says, all you guys say its great so...

Anyways i have another set of questions :P to do with purchacing.

- My Main Focus on the GP32 will be playing the SNES and Genesis (well at least at first) im familiar with them systems and the games, later on i will be trying other things out to. Will it be better to purchace a 166Mhz console from GBAx? ive heared of some emulators running at 155Mhz so a 166Mhz console will run fine right?

- Should i buy the FLU? Personally, i dont really want to, I would like to know if theres some sort of gadget which just attaches on the outside insted of going inside like the GBA wormlight

- Is there any software i should concider purchacing like games or anything?

- Where can i get movies and stuff for use on the GP32?

Thanks for your help,
The-Ever-Asking Question Guy :P
what the hell is peoples problem round here, sheesh talk about un-friendly.
The 'problem' is when the question is asked zillion times before especially when members have been around for a while, mainly in faqs and the search function will usually have the answers. Check out Rico's response to the PSone emu (I think you asked the question right?) However this is the 'I need help...' thread so there is not a stupid question...

In short:- get a flu, the smd emu is not as well developed as opensnes9x so dont expect much. The faster the GP32 can overclock, the better the games will run.....but dont expect everything to be perfect with a 166mhz machine. To play movies get gpcinema, or wait until it is free.
I just bought one so here is my impression:

Get the FLU (even if you're mother says its not good for you :P ) I bought the Flu and really like the display with the light on as opposed to when i turn it off.

get the 128 smart media crad--don't wimp out and get 64--you'll just end up having to buy another one

get GPCinema it's like 10$ or 4 pounds ik you're in the UK and well worth it--easy to use, versatile and cheap:) It'll be free in a couple of months so if you can wait--i guess you could save yourself a few bucks

READ,READ,READ all the software comes with how to's and such--read it all twice before asking questions (this has saved me some embarrasing questions)

as far as the 166 version goes--I can't speak for that but i can clock my gpcinema to 166 no prob and I just bought a "regular" unit--about 60-70% of the units clock to 166 anyways, so I wouldn'tpay extra for it.

Movies you make--or trade with people you know etc. It's illegal to ask for them here so don't. its very easy and the software to do it is all freeware--quality is a solid 7-10 or so depending on your source and your encoding.

And as far as the "read-the-FAQ" answers--you really should, but people should just not post rather than being dicks about it. I've missed things in the FAQ that I caught the second time around and other people's opinions aren't in the FAQ either so ther ya go...
Vimacs posted on Mar 28 2004 at 12:21 PM said:
use the damn search funktion
I'm on a mission today....


I'm really tired of people posting just to moan about other people. It brings the whole mood of the place down. If you want to tell someone to use the FAQs or Search function, say it in a CIVILIZED fashion.

YES - I know its a pain in the ass to get the same questions, but with a membership as big as ours, with more coming on all the time, you gotta have some patience with noobs. It's just something you gotta live with. If you dont want to answer, then dont.

There's no need for this crap... OK?

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Man- yeah, I know some people have read the same question a hundred times but I don't think that's a call to be rude to newbies. We want lots more people to come to the GP32 so I'm happy to answer whatever questions you have Spyke.

I've not had my GP32 for too long, but I went for the FLU and a model that was guaranteed to run at 166Mhz (there's seem to be some variance between models- some overclock well and others do not). I know 60-70% of the GP32's overclock to 166, but I personally wanted to make sure that mine did. The extra layout bumps the price up quite a bit though...

Commercial software is still (imho) just average, but the homebrew scene is excellent and there's so much fun to be had by trying out the emulators. The PCengine emu (GPengine) is fantastic and I also enjoy the AtariST emulator, Castaway. Gp32's the best buy of the year for me.

Have fun!
1. No, it's not worth the money. Go for the gamble and hope you get a 166 mhz machine. You'll save a lot of money that way. Also, all the emulators (except hacked ones) will run at the standard 133mhz, withing the emulator (not in all of them) you'll be able to change the clock setting. The only emulators that have a specific clock setting are SNES9xGP (Old, don't use it), SNESEMU (Old, don't use it), and GENEMU (The only public GEN emu you should be able to get for now).

2. YES! YES!! YES!!! It'll be a lot better than a worm light, which will create a glare and only fully light up a portion of the screen. (Or you could wait until the Euro launch and buy the magnificant looking BLU)

3. GPCINEMA (from JoyGP) is a must. If you want extra games, consider the following:
Super Plusha (JoyGP)
Pinball Dreams (JoyGP)
GP Fight (JoyGP)
Her Knights (Boxed Commercial Game)

4. There was a website that was posted awhile back, but it wasn't a big success. Just download your own movies and follow one of the many guides on how to convert them to a gp32 compatible format with virtual dub.