Gamepark History


La vieille dame et les pigeons
Mar 16, 2004
North Wales, UK
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The gp32 is the first time I've heard of the name gamepark. But I have a feeling that I may have heard about it years back lol. What's there history? What past games\consoles have they made just out of curiosity. :huh:
They were formed in 1996 in Korea and the first thing they made was the GP32 (released late 2001) . This is just off the top of my head though
heard they made a simulator for the south korean army prior to making gp32.
I remember hearing somewhere that they were renegades from Nintendo, but I certainly haven't seen that in anything more than a rumour. And I'm only giving it as an unsubstantiated one now...

There's a brief history of Gamepark in that shiney booklet that comes with the GP32s :)
i hear they where sent to prison for a crime they didn't commit. They escaped and went into the los angeles underground. If you need help and if you can find them maybe you can hire the GP Team!!!!

No Wait.........
They developed software for the Japanese module that went to investigate the Sun in the early 90s, and some other space stuff.
I heard that they move from country to country, sapping all the resources before moving on...
taras posted on Mar 21 2004 at 09:18 PM said:
They developed software for the Japanese module that went to investigate the Sun in the early 90s, and some other space stuff.
I would assume space stuff software has some quality requirements... which makes makes me wonder... <_<
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