Wtb Frontlit Gp32


Still Fresh
Mar 12, 2004
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I'm impressed that the GP32 community is still this busy a very long time after I first heard of it. I thought the enthusiasm might die out, but it seems that instead we have a fairly active community going on and have covered every emulator under the sun. ;-)

Anyway, I need (okay, want, but want badly) a GP32, and I figure the frontlit version is the way to go, lesson learned from the GBA.

The only thing which might be a snag is I will need international shipping if you aren't in Australia (which is pretty likely.)

Anyone able?

Otherwise my next step is to find somebody in asia to fetch me one.

Unless there are some cheaper online stores?
I found one on Ebay already (only one, in the entire world.) I did place a (probably considered low) bid on it but I thought asking in a more appropriate area might be a better option.
Did you win the one on ebay? 95% of people on ebay wait until the last 2 minutes to place their bid and usually set a high proxy so no one has time to outbid them before the auction is over. I once saw something for from $10 to $250 in the last 10 minutes. So unless you won the bid already, I would keep looking and get more sources to purchase just incase it doesnt pan out :)
That is called auction sniping and you can get a service like Auctionsniper.com to do it so you don't have to be there the exact second it ends to do it.

I got mine that way the only hitch was the antiglare coating on the screen was rubbed of in spots and looked really mangy. I heard this is very common. So I ripped that dodgy plastic crap screen off and replaced it with a nice scratch free glass one that I cut myself, soooooo much better.
I am in Australia... and I'm not selling my FLU for less than $500 :)

I got mine from LikSang, If you are planning to buy from LikSang do not use UPS because you will pay GST, Duty and Customs Agency costs totaling $100 AU

Use regular post and only buy the FLU unit alone and you will avoid paying all of the above.

128meg SMC cards can be bought from Computer swap meets in Victoria for $60 which is aproximately the same price as LikSang.

hope the above helps...
I'm in Sydney and i bought from gbax www.gbax.com , excellent service, good communications and here in one week :-) I recommend them 100%