Will Gp32 Suceed In Europe


Jan 25, 2004
Sussex, England
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Personally I think not, ask any townie gamer, as i like to call them, also known as someone who has a PS2, and they will tell you their top 3 games:
-NforS underground
-True Crime

OK, so they reddem themselves on GTA, but they, on the whole, not to stereo type, buy rubbish games, sorry i meant they buy EA games. Tell any FIFA fan that there is a tiny possibilty that ISS pro evo is better that Fifa World Cup 2002 (possibly the worst in a rubbish series) and they will attempt to kill you. This is quite different from the GC/X-BOX/DC scene where people have been buying games that are good, not ones with good advertising. I dont think Prince of Persia got into the top 10 on the PS2, but on GC it went straight in at 2! I told someone at college that instead of buying True Crime for £40 he could've got Prince of Persia for £20 with a free copy of Splinter Cell, u know what he said ........."It looks sh*t*". Typical. And then when I was looking on the internet at a Saturn package with NiGHTS and Pandemonium and the Saturn for £30 he told me that old games were rubbish. Considering how many of these sorts of gamers exist, whatever makes you think the GP32 would suceed in Europe unless it was only sold on the internet, which is how it is now, and for a console only available on import it seems successful enough. How many people imported the 64DD, less than the amount i people buyuing a GP32 i'll wager.

I'm perfectly happy seeing it stay in Korea, sure there aren't as many games, but if they invade Europe and fail, then there will be no games coz theyll go bankrupt
dont we call them casual gamers?!

Tbh I dont think it will succeed as I think alot of people who already know about them have one and the rest of the majority of gamers I know would probably unwilling to have to download games :/
Maybe you just live in a really bad gammer town. I agree it's true the system may have a tough time but europe has plenty of hacker/coder types that have nothing better to do than mess with tech and that's who needs to be targeted.

...besides it seems to me all the actual working rom sites are european nowadays anyway...
if they do it right, release good commercial games for it when it comes out. make the price near to the one of the gba.. then it could have success...
Maybe I do have a bad gamer town, the bloke in GAME recommended Everything or Nothing over Beyond Good and Evil, even tho GB&E was 20 squid cheaper. Thank God I have Gamestation which the townies don't know about and the owner actual knows what a GP32 is!!
I think the target audience of the GP32 is mainly peeps in their 20s - 30s looking to play all the games they played years ago on various platforms.

The problem as I see it is the GP32 is not visible enough. I've showed my mates the GP32 and they are well impressed but none of them had ever heard of it. One mate has bought one and three more are very interested.

I've mentioned the GP32 to some guys in my Quake III clan and again they are interested and very impressed but hadn't heard of it.

I consider myself very IT literate and an expert surfer but If I hadn't happened across an article on a palm forum about the GP32 a six months or so ago I'd have missed out on one of the best purchases I've ever made. I'm sure if I'd entered "handheld emulation" or similar in google I'd have found the GP32 but the simple fact is I wasn't interested in handheld gaming until I found the GP32. I feel sure there must be loads of other people out there like myself just waiting to discover the GP32 but never finding it. I'm talking about the ex spectrum owners, ex C64 owners ex Miggy and ST owners,ex NES, SNES and SMS owners etc. There are millions and millions of them. You can't mean to tell me that some of them wouldn't want a GP32 if they knew it existed.

IMHO the GP32 could be a success. It'll never have the mass market appeal of the gameboy or GBA but it could easily sell tens of thousands of units in europe with a bit of advertising and some visibility.
it's all true, the sad fact is that the companies with the marketing clout behind them succeed and those who don't fail. Gamepark are allready pretty poor, a badly executed european launch could finish them off.

Also this handheld, like it or not, really does have limited appeal, emulators and homebrew games are great but is your average gamer really going to spend two days (like I did, or maybe I'm stupid...) searching for decent KoF91 characters or would they prefer to spend fourty quid on a GBA game that involves NO effort to play, unlike some emulators. I never had an amiga or c64 and so have had very limited success with the emulators.

Also you gotta bear in mind that a PC or mac is very nearly ESSENTIAL to make the most of this console.

Overall I think that unless they market this with absolute perfection its going the same way as the DC. :(

For the record though I think it kicks the GBA's arse.
I hear ya, I stumbled across a single comment by someone in a GBA forum, that happened to mention GP32 (just once, and they didnt mention what it was). Me, being the curios one, looked it up and found this.

I dont think GP should make it commercial in europe (as in some mainstream thing you can find at the store). They will lose money, they dont have enough commercial game backers for most everyone to be impressed, or even interested at the $200 price tag, they cant lower their price because then they will be losing money, as ALL console manufacturers make money on their software and usually lose money or break even on the consoles themselves. GamePark doesnt have the deep pockets M$ has so they cant afford to take a hit in price like xbox.

Honestly if they want to make it a big success, I think they should release a new one, with 2 more buttons, a different media card for storage (atleast the option of a different card) and a CPU that is stable at 200mhz (on all units), 32 MB RAM, (basically an upgrade). Something like the zodiac except without a stupid PalmOS on it (and using the same design as they have now), (and use the same arm system, etc.. so all games currently will still work), and get a few high names to make some games on it, THEN look into a europe release. But thats just my opinon, what I would like to see.

The GBA is awesome, but 90% of the great games for it are the remakes of the snes games! (and some GB remakes like Sword of Mana). With a few exceptions (metriod, castlevaina, golden sun), if you take away all the remakes, GBA is not that great (in my opinion) of course excluding the previously listed games (maybe a couple more too like megaman's)
is the gp64 a fact or is is that all conjecture. If it's real they would be wisest to wait till they release this until trying a european release.

Two more buttons would also be nice.

hmmm...does anyone else feel that the commercial aspect of this console is a front?
...one thing going for the GP is that the target audiance for this product is just the right age to have the disposible income to buy it. Put it out, talk up it's opensource abilities and let the people with the understanding to realize the potential to pickit up. In an advertising sense the system's capabilities should be it's selling point since it has few really super games(likely this will change at the time of realease when they give the go ahead to the games who's release they're blocking right now like Blood Cross) But when people see these games it will be a secondary factor because they heard of what the system can do first.

I doubt Gamepark has the finances to move up to a more advanced GP otherwise they would have done it already, it hasnt sold well in Korea and they;ve already shown new concepts like the GPi but have yet to release them. They need a new market to start a cash flow so they can afford to produce more advanced hardware and help back software developers and thats where europe comes in.

The commercial games wouldnt be a front because they coudlnt make money off of a system who's main poitn of interest is emmulation, there's no money in that for them.
But the basic fact is there aren't enough of these people to get high enough sales to warrant a EU relelease. Plus, bearing in mind the emulation side of things is only legal if you own the originals, and wasn't an intended feature, GAMEPARK probably would choose not to advertise the emulation aspect
my point is that the main intrest of this console is the emulation and homebrew scene. The problem is that this is a bit of a grey area legally. Clearly an advertising campaign focusing (or even mentioning) the emulation possibilities is not legally practical. Therefore your left with its commercial aspect (which is not great).

Many people would not buy this console for it's commercial aspect (because the GBA is superior in this aspect) and not knowing of its other capabilities would pass it over entirely. Sad but true. I bought mine for its emulation and homebrew scene, most people did.

If I were shown a GP32 and only knew about its commercial aspects, I wouldn't have bought it. Sad but true.

If they do get their arse in gear and release some cool commercial games, then maybe they have a chance.

[edit - beaten!]
That's why I'm saying they should capitalize on the ability to code it yourself, get the techheads to notice it, 20yr or 30yr old and ups, C++ programers, assembly guys, They'll look into it on the net themselves after they find out about it because they know how and they'll take the innitiative to buy it because they have the money to do it and it wont be as much an issue if they dont follow through with it because thats what dissposable income is about.

Play up it's video player, maybe eeven make better tools for transferring video (obviously they wouldnt mention the dvd ripping that goes on but TV is fair game) maybe a new version of GPcinema for launch with better sound and frame rates at lower MHz.
c0ncept posted on Mar 7 2004 at 10:50 AM said:
is the gp64 a fact or is is that all conjecture. If it's real they would be wisest to wait till they release this until trying a european release.

Two more buttons would also be nice.

hmmm...does anyone else feel that the commercial aspect of this console is a front?
The GP64 is estimated to be realeased in 2007.
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" if you take away all the remakes, GBA is not that great "
on the contrary, there's tons of great games for it (besides the ones you listed) - seriously gotta hand it to the GBA, if there's one system that has tons of great commercial software, it is definitely that one. ok so 99 percent of their market is full of derivative/sequel types of games, but there are plenty of well-done titles which are worth the time people spend playing them (I haven't enjoyed any game in recent memory as much as Advance Wars!) that you just have to hand t to them for doing it right. GBC was pretty good for portable gaming and GBA upped the ante with the 16-bit graphics and deeper gameplay.. it will be interesting to see where the handheld market goes when the system wars kick in next year.

as for how GP32 does in Europe, I still am not holding out hope, it was an aging system already last year (though still terribly capable) but when compared to the likes of the coming Sony handheld/Nintendo DS, etc it's going to be harder and harder to attract any kind of mainstream audience with such a "freak" device as the GP32. however if they kept up their "underground" status and availability, a better/steadier following could result (though that's just my guess). meanwhile it gets some mainstream coverage now and again, just a flash here or there, but a fluke could happen.. you never know..
There was an article in retro gamer, which mentioned consoles that could emulate, and the GP32 was the only one not made by the big 4, now only 3.

Plus, I don't know if you were implying that Avanced wars isn't a remake coz it is, just look at Famicom Wars, Super Famicom wars and there was a GB 1 too. If you weren't I'm sorry i misunderstood.

I stand by my belief that the remakes on the GBA are probably the best games. I thought DOOM on the GBA was good, but when i heard the GP32 could play the original PC version of DOOM plus more I snapped it up. It's a case of "anything he can do I can do better, it's just whether or not I can be arsed."

I thought capcom were making a Megaman game too, or am I just very gullible
Yes the main prob is that noone in europe knows the Gp32.

I only recogniced it because i saw it at ebay.

If they do a little bit TV-commercials the gamepark will sell like bread :D
I showed my Gamepart to some people in my school and they wer really impressed !!!!!!

I hold my fingers crossed and hope that the gamepark will burn the GBA down :lol:
Optimistic! It'll never beat Nintendo or even the PSP, if it gets released here it'll be reminiscent of the NEO GEO POCKET, great console, no-one bought it!!

I'm not anti-GP32, infact I want it to suceed it just a bit naive to think that it will