How Well Does Ffii Work On Wonderswan Emulation?

WSC emu is at an early stage if I remember good...
It is worth to be tryed bu dont expect too much
It is playable nothing more...
If you only want to play FF2 then have a look for this one using the NES version
(I must admit that the wsc version is better but littleJohn rocks)

see you :lol:
you will have to play using 16bits mode for GFX...
Its running quite good (except FF3 (FF6) due to transparancy bugs)
FF5 is well emulated
in fact a lot of RPG are running quite good on osnes
(chrono, rudora no hihou (rudora's secret) secret, legend...)
the best is to try them :P
ive been playing ff6 on snes and it runs ok. there are some transparancy problems though like on some of the spells etc but definatly playable.
washo posted on Mar 6 2004 at 10:44 PM said:
in fact a lot of RPG are running quite good on osnes
(chrono, rudora no hihou (rudora's secret) secret, legend...)

really? O_o
I tried Chrono Trigger and it seemed unplayable at all to me at that speed!
How do you play it? I mean, which frameskip, color depth, sound quality, cpu frequency...?
sorry for the out topic...
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How do you play it? I mean, which frameskip, color depth, sound quality, cpu frequency...?

FS = 2 (I think)
no sound
It is not a good speed but it is playable (if U really like this game)
FF5 runs a lot better

see you :lol:
If you stick the frameskip to 1, 166MHz and put no sound on at all it plays just about perfectly. Once you get stuck into chrono trigger its hard to pull yourself away