GP32 Opengl On Gp32?


Still Fresh
Oct 22, 2003
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Well... It might not be soo meaningful but it's a great 3D API... so if you make a smaller variant of a OpenGL on the GP32 maybe som small 3D games could be made without too much knowledge in 3D engine development?
Mesa3D is a free OpenGL like API... Our ARM does not contain a FPU, I know that... I remember on my old Amiga (which had a FPU) that some guy did a lot if optimized 68k ASM that actually made the FP operations faster then my FPU (but it was not as accurate but hey who needs squadrillions of accuracy?) This could also be done with the ARM I guess...
Link to Mesa3D is
And some info on some 3D test with some ARM processors with and without a FPU...
Excellent PDF document - hits the nail on the head. In my experience (having written low level rasterisers for the gp32) - the machine is just not fast enough (in both mhz and memory bandwidth) for anything remotely modern looking. Yup - you'll be able to do a Quake engine on the GP32 - but at the expense of reduced textures/lightmap, linear poly sub division instead of full perspective correctness and reduced alpha usage. I think if any one attempted a opengl port - it would be a waste of time because of these reasons. If you want cutting edge 3D on the gp32 - you're gonna need hardware accel'.
But what about yeti3D? it now has open GL support and it's supposed to be a "GBA" 3D engine :blink:
Hey, we have 133Mhz in our dear GP32! It doesn't contain a FPU, but alternative operations are very effective (i.e. Yeti3D). I think GP32 is even better than my old 486/40Mhz, where I played the great Fatal Racing! Hey! If you want DooM3 3D graphics you are fools, but decent 3D, like Descent (yuk! Decent/Descent!) is possible for sure! Don't be silly!

Well, but OpenGL is not a good idea, anyway. For great performances in 3D you must code an engine from scratch. :o
isnt there a gp32 version of yeti?
I usaed to go to their site alot
BTW.. what ever happened to the blue roses engine? I know it wasnt for gp32, but the demos they made of METAL GEAR SOLID ( yes , I sadi metal gear ) looked damn much like the game
just wish I still had those movies...

We only need a Quake-like engine, I know that because I put a ut2004 screenshot on my gp32 to see what it would look like and it looked about the same as quake cause the screen isnt big enough to see details like in a monitor
Yeah, I had fond memories of untextured games on my Amiga. And also some early 486 (without FPU) textured stuff was quite good... ultima underworld, magic carpet etc. I don't think we'd need better than a quake style engine really. In fact if we had the quake engine there are loads of cool mods like 'quake rally and quake chess :)

The problem with openGL (or in fact most things meant for bigger machines, and written in C) is that they are bloaty and slow on GP style hardware, What you need is a custom API that bangs the hardware like 'fathammer' does for the zodiac and N-gage. I guess if we want to know what the GP could do with proper support, just look at commercial offerings on those machines, or the Acorn RiscPC's (all arm based).

Yeti is very cool though, shame it hasn't been used yet. I guess the lack of 3D model support in the freeware version has slowed takeup.
Well often when you say OpenGL almost everyone thinks of "cutting edge" 3D but, I don't mean that on the GP32... I meant that a (like TinyGL) small 3D API wich made it more easy to develop small 2D and 3D games (with or without textures)...
This could be developed to a DirectX / Direct3D like API for the GP32...
Think Glide... OpenGL like API for Voodo GFX chipset...
If some one does continue TinyGL it could be developed to a GP32 only API 2D, 3D and remove all thoose functions that is scientific and don't have any thing to do with games graphics programming...
Just a thought though...
GP32/OpenGL = StarfoxGP!

But seriously, if it meant simple 3d games without lots of texture mapping I still think it'd be pretty cool for games.
Hi Alex

Yes of course you're right a small scale 3d lib would be fine on the gp32 - probably a scene complexity of 2.5 is possible at high frame rates - but thats pushing it. Flat and linear texturing is quite fast on the gp32 as long as everything fits in the cache.
I think the problem is just saying OpenGL really does mean people will start thinking - wow halflife 2 e.t.c. lol just look at any of these forums and you'll get a lot of unrealistic requests for what people want that is just not possible. Mind you nothing is impossible is it? :)