Metal Slug Demo

yes... and dont forget the GBA emu ;)
the french scene is really active at the moment...
Isn't Aquafish also French?

Btw : I'm not sure but dind't GamePark said that the Most GP32 are sold in French?
Dolfhin posted on Mar 3 2004 at 05:44 PM said:
Isn't Aquafish also French?

Btw : I'm not sure but dind't GamePark said that the Most GP32 are sold in French?
whoa, where is this mystical land of French? i know France and Canada are french countries and such
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maybe it would be even the arcade version was white.

My issues with it so far (even though its early things could still be put on a list) after comparing to Metal Slug 2:

-Stop the rapid fire jumping
-more animation frames for your character (looks weird, like hes running on tip toes)
-diagonal fireing
-sound effects
-upon death, should respawn with about 5 seconds of invulnerability rather than dieing immediatly upon appreaing on screen and being touched by an enemy.
-level seems shortened some how (yeah I know its a demo and incomplete but it feels like parts of the stage that should be there, arnt)

Is this based onthe arcade version or using rips from a home version? I hope he has help to tighten this game into something great!
taubstumm posted on Mar 4 2004 at 11:26 PM said:
really nice demo... but red blood would be better :P
there is red blood on my new version, there are also more enemies, wall (can explode :D) and an end-level-boss :)

i'll try to upload a soon as i have time, i don't use this PC to work on my project ^^ (and i'm working on a portable NES , it take all my free times, but it' great :D)
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braindead2 posted on Mar 5 2004 at 11:51 AM said:
taubstumm posted on Mar 4 2004 at 11:26 PM said:
really nice demo... but red blood would be better :P
there is red blood on my new version, there are also more enemies, wall (can explode :D) and an end-level-boss :)

i'll try to upload a soon as i have time, i don't use this PC to work on my project ^^ (and i'm working on a portable NES , it take all my free times, but it' great :D)
dude! thanks! :D
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Maybe I should've chatted to him...
No, didn't want it to sound 'nasty' as i'm as patient as the next guy but the first demo 0.1 was great albeit his walking animation lacking frames, just don't want to be teased of more enemies and red blood etc already to be uploaded!
Zero3K posted on Mar 7 2004 at 10:08 PM said:
*** braindead2 ( has joined channel #gp32world
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Maybe I should've chatted to him...
looooooooooooooooooooooool :D :D sorry ^^
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jaycee900 posted on Mar 8 2004 at 12:32 AM said:
No, didn't want it to sound 'nasty' as i'm as patient as the next guy but the first demo 0.1 was great albeit his walking animation lacking frames, just don't want to be teased of more enemies and red blood etc already to be uploaded!
the walking animation has been changed, now the are 8 pictures to animate it (3 in demo 0.1 :))
i put red blood, vehicles, machine gun, and mores enemies. there is also somes goodies likes wall (can be destroyed) and hotages(i don't know the word).
i release game when i think it will be ready for a new release :)

thank you for your encouragement :wub:
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