Flu Screen Replacents???


Still Fresh
Feb 18, 2004
hi there everyone, im sure im like al lthe other FLU users that bad dust underneither the screen. well, in my feat to remove it, i got some scratches on my FLU screen. not the top screen, the FLU scratchy screen. nothing i do makes them go away and are hugely unsightly.

I have been looknig everywhere to replace it but with no luck. all i need is the screen, not the kit, and i dont want to go out any buy a new gp32 just for one piece of plastic. can anyone tell me where to get one? i cant fine one anywhere.

this one site www.mashmods.com mods other handhelds to front lights, but not the gp32. anyone know where to buy that one piece? thats all i need.

hope somebody can help me.
no, mashmods does replace screens. you can get it replaced with a glass screen that will not scratch :)
im not trying to replace the LCD, im trying to replace the flu layer. its that clear thing that is a bit rough. you would know what i mean if you had one or was daring enough to play with it. my advice... dont!
Sandwedge, i'm in the same boat as you :) All you need is another normal screen, and underneth it put a square of AntiReflecitve film.
I gave up the search, and ended up just polishing and polishing untill the scratches came out, but if you can find a place that sells AR flim then tell me! :)
Hopefully, work will let me order something that may work, what do you guys think??

Goto here and search for item 590-913
OK what you guys have to understand is the light guide is specially made for the gp32.
It is a special piece of reflective plastic with grooves etched into it to catch and refract the light.
Every light guide is specially made for the product it is going in.
The manufacture has to take into consideration how many led's are being used, the power voltage , how much luminescence, etc etc.
So just finding a piece of anti-reflective plastic won't work.

And the kits for the Gp32 aren't being made yet and probably won't ever be pubicly distributed.
jonjandran posted on Mar 2 2004 at 03:43 PM said:
OK what you guys have to understand is the light guide is specially made for the gp32.
It is a special piece of reflective plastic with grooves etched into it to catch and refract the light.
Every light guide is specially made for the product it is going in.
The manufacture has to take into consideration how many led's are being used, the power voltage , how much luminescence, etc etc.
So just finding a piece of anti-reflective plastic won't work.

And the kits for the Gp32 aren't being made yet and probably won't ever be pubicly distributed.
my god, that is whjat i was trying to say. i need that pelaced! not the top screen, not that film that is put on top, i need the plate. where can i get one?
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Ah, found out where to get a new one. at it seems you have to buy a new FLU kit from the Korean company Hahotech. on the site you can get it if you are a resident of Asia. and I'm not. I'm in Canada.

Any plan on any way to get one? I know other people are looking for a kit, well there it is. Its there, We just have to find a way to bring it here from Korea.