snes emulation

Behemoth7k posted on Apr 28 2003 said:
just not the same as Ultima 7
Ultima 7 is the best RPG ever! Though the SNES version is a mere shadow of the PC original.

There is an open-source Ultima 7 emulator for Windows/Linux/Mac but no one showed any interest when I suggested a port and my programming skills are extrememly poor to say the least!
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Speaking of GBC RPGs, try "Dragon Warrior I & II" and "Dragon Warrior III".

Great games, and they look nicer on GBC than on the NES, though the resolution suffers a bit...

P.S. I don't know about Dragon Warrior Monsters II, but I played the first one and didn't like it... so many random dungeons get on my nerves after a while... ;) plus it was difficult to store your monsters.

P.P.S. Full speed Star Fox on GP32? :D
No, I guess not. Aw, well, at least we'll get to play some games that don't use all 8 buttons of the SNES controller. <_<
The buttons...
This is something I've not considered yet. On my computer I had not to do so, for sure not... Do many games need more than 6 buttons? I think Ultima 7 does not, for example , and Zelda not too??
I would love to be a Beta tester for Intelecto's Snes emulator that allegedly runs at full speed with nosound.

I love SNES!!!!!!!! :P
Behemoth7k posted on Apr 28 2003 said:
That doesn't sound that good to me. What games would be both interesting and work well? PC Engine is very old, is it? Well, and GBC Games are not that good...
There are sooo many old Pc games for snes, for example Civ1, Worms, Doom, WC1 etc...
PC Engine is 2x8 Bits (16Bits). The graphics are far above that of the NES. It is just below the SNES, even though some games such as Street Fighter 2 are exactly the same as the SNES counterpart. It even has Brandish, the RPG also featured on the SNES. The Atari ST has Ultima 2-6 and Civilization as well as around 2100 other games. Including many good RPGs such as Defender of the Crown, Heimdall etc. DOOM has been ported.

The MSX2 has it's share of good RPGs. Illusion City, SD-Snatcher, Ys 1-3. The MSX2 is on par with the PC Engine graphicswise.

Keep in mind that we have seen screenshots of a running Genesis-emulator, which is something very doable for the GP32, as well as the recent news about the SNES emus.

Personally I would be happy even if all development stopped for every emulator. But having Atari ST and Genesis running at decent speed with sound would be absolutely magnificent. SNES would probably put most owners in heaven if they were already there playing the Atari ST.
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hehe, i think you all missed a very important line in that conversation

[12:51] <Intelecto> Right now I get faster than full speed when I turn sound off usually.

FASTER THAN FULL SPEED!, that means with the sound on it must be pretty fast
Yeah, but that term "full speed" never tells the full story. Full speed, but with how many frame skips? If he means TRUE full speed (i.e. real time 60 FPS) then that is amazing!

Even without sound, SNES at 60 FPS 100% speed, or even 30 FPS 100% speed, would be great. Of course, sound is always very welcome. :) Especially on SNES where the sound was often very good.

If SNES emulation does get "perfected" so to speak, GP32 sales will skyrocket amongst the techie/gamer crowd. Gonna be fun to watch hordes of new users come along! :)
pip posted on May 1 2003 said:
Behemoth7k posted on Apr 28 2003 said:
That doesn't sound that good to me. What games would be both interesting and work well? PC Engine is very old, is it? Well, and GBC Games are not that good...
There are sooo many old Pc games for snes, for example Civ1, Worms, Doom, WC1 etc...
PC Engine is 2x8 Bits (16Bits). The graphics are far above that of the NES. It is just below the SNES, even though some games such as Street Fighter 2 are exactly the same as the SNES counterpart. It even has Brandish, the RPG also featured on the SNES. The Atari ST has Ultima 2-6 and Civilization as well as around 2100 other games. Including many good RPGs such as Defender of the Crown, Heimdall etc. DOOM has been ported.

The MSX2 has it's share of good RPGs. Illusion City, SD-Snatcher, Ys 1-3. The MSX2 is on par with the PC Engine graphicswise.

Keep in mind that we have seen screenshots of a running Genesis-emulator, which is something very doable for the GP32, as well as the recent news about the SNES emus.

Personally I would be happy even if all development stopped for every emulator. But having Atari ST and Genesis running at decent speed with sound would be absolutely magnificent. SNES would probably put most owners in heaven if they were already there playing the Atari ST.
Well, it seems yer right. And if it's true that there will be soon enough a useful snes emulator ... heaven is no word. Still i dunno which version to buy (the one with front light or that one without it).
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Including many good RPGs such as Defender of the Crown
Sorry, that ist no RPG... at least not by my definition. You cannot get a party, you don't have "values" (like Attributes and Skills) to be changed. No, it's a pure and simple strategy game, nothing more (and when it was coded it was neat).

I miss strategy and RPG games for the GP32, that's one of the reasons I dearly hope an DOS Emulator will be made 8-)
(alas, the Atari ST Emulator is there and therefore there ARE some games I like avaliable...)
