Virtual Novel System Editor?


Apr 28, 2003
I'd like to make my own story for use with the Virtual Novel System engine for GP32. Where might I find the program that would allow me to do this?
What would you need a graphical editor for anyway? It is simple enough as it is... but considering that currently I only know about two novels in work (The Dragonball thing and, well, the one I am making), maybe there IS request for a frontend. I would try and make one myself, but I would have to find my Visual Basic.... probably disappeared into another dimension.
Hey dont forget about my to nevles and my demo's no1's seen yet :P lol

Actually there is a editor being worked on

I had made a simple editor where u selected what options u wanted.

Like it had a check box for bgp and if it was checled u would select the filename fromt he dropdown list and this was for all then when u had the file selected there was 2 picture windows.

1 showed the background other showed sprite (hard to get a bmp transparent in VB)

I lost it when i got the new pc altho i dont know how as i just installed the hdd into this pc but anyway it's lost and it was for personal use anyway.

But there is a editor being made which is alot better than my quick 1 i made so just wait :)

Right now i just use notepad and use excel to quickly make 100 scenes copy n paste then put the sprite bg music and all over info i need into it.

Takes a while but its ok :)

If my site doesnt allow linking see the crapy 1 i was using 4 a while
I was writing a VNS editor since christmas. and I totally scraped that project because I didn't like my design and editing concept. I'm working on a new editor since saturday, and it's main functions finished allready, thanks to virtua leech for quick reply to my e-mail regarding 15bits BMP questions.

I'm not sure if I can finish it soon because I'm working full-time at university as a teacher. But it's about %85 finished. All of the progress made in this weekend. (and ofcourse I had to be with my girlfriend all day because saturday was valentines day:)

here is a screenshot (85kb jpg):

Program has different editors, such as an image editor for converting 24bit pictures to 256colour and select transparency, A media library, a seperate scene editor and I'm planning a layout editor for connecting scenes together.

I'm currently supporting some of the V1.1 features such as textowners.

And don't expect something cool and fast coz I'm using vb and I don't have enough time. But it's fast enough for 1ghz computer :P
see you

Please post your requests here.. Maybe I can miss some extremely-important-feature.