I was writing a VNS editor since christmas. and I totally scraped that project because I didn't like my design and editing concept. I'm working on a new editor since saturday, and it's main functions finished allready, thanks to virtua leech for quick reply to my e-mail regarding 15bits BMP questions.
I'm not sure if I can finish it soon because I'm working full-time at university as a teacher. But it's about %85 finished. All of the progress made in this weekend. (and ofcourse I had to be with my girlfriend all day because saturday was valentines day
here is a screenshot (85kb jpg):
Program has different editors, such as an image editor for converting 24bit pictures to 256colour and select transparency, A media library, a seperate scene editor and I'm planning a layout editor for connecting scenes together.
I'm currently supporting some of the V1.1 features such as textowners.
And don't expect something cool and fast coz I'm using vb and I don't have enough time. But it's fast enough for 1ghz computer

see you
Please post your requests here.. Maybe I can miss some extremely-important-feature.