I'm thinking of getting one to add to my collection, i think it would be a cool addition, but where there many games for this sytem, were the old carts remade for CD or should I try to get a cart system.
do some research before you post, there is a neo geo cd system and no crap its on ebay, I just want to find out how many games were made for it relative to the cart system. And then see if anybody has one to see if it plays well.
I have got a NeoGeo CD and a NeoGeo AES (as well as a MVS and Pockets but that is beside the point).
The biggest difference is that the AES of course loads a lot faster (the CD is r-e-a-l-l-y s-l-o-w) but the CD version can also play a lot of internet downloads if you know what I mean.
Another difference is that the AES comes with nice big joysticks while the CD comes with one of the best joypads ever.
Oh, the CD has a memorycard build in while the AES requires a seperate (not so easy to find) memory card.
If you have a jamma cabinet laying around you could also go for the MVS version. Same games as the AES but a lot cheaper.
Almost all of the older carts (pre 2000) are also available on CD. There are a few cart only titles just are there are a few CD only titles. If you want the play the latest titles the cart system is your only choice.
Its a good cheap alternative to the cart systems for playing perfect versions of some great SNK games. The loading times are only really bad on the fighters, generally the shoot em ups etc are all fine
Last Resort, Viewpoint and Pulstar make the system worth owning
Theres 96 or 97 games in total for the ngcd, a little googling should find u the complete list of whats avalible.
Ive got a fairly complete set, missing about 2 title I think, definatly a worthy purchase if only a stop gap until you're prepared to spend fortunes on an AES or MVS system and all the games