Movies And Pictures


Mar 13, 2003
I am going to buy a Gp32 soon but i wonder if someone can give me an URl where i can see movies and pictures on Gp32 in action.

Sorry for my bad english :P
there was some times ago a video from ThaunderZ 3d engine....but I dont remember where...
Ans a video of Mario kart with OSNES0.1....

See you :lol: dunno if im allowed to post that but there are movies :rolleyes:
GP32 Spain has a few movies, and the forums have literally thousands of photos, if you can find the right threads.

Edit: bloody hell, three of the same posts at the same time! :D
Horscht posted on Feb 3 2004 at 07:41 PM said:
how the hell do you know hes german?

If you know everythin: where am I from? Place your Bets NOW.
it was a frickin joke, calm down, I just picked German out of the air, lots of people post sorry for my english when its pretty much perfect and I was joking around about it, geez
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No probs in mentioning other sites - it's not a Coke/Pepsi thing ya know....

Sorry about my English, I'm Welsh :P

Axeman Dwi

Dwi'n byw yn Gymru

Dwi'n hoffi iawn GP32

I speak English more better then you do! And I wont except anyone saying that they are more better then me! All the poster's on the forums have no idea how to speak well English. ;) :P
These are cool videos to see... I wish they were smoother those as it dosent show an acurate view of how the game will look normally.

Pardon my english, I'm from the Bronx.