Quake mod that could run on gp

What is needed is someone to get a copy of the source of the Acorn version of quake, similar CPU, all floats converted to ints, runs at about 25fps.

Anyway i've heard that the quake engine is possibly being converted to the gp32 commercially.


Wow, it's £23....I assume if we ported it, since the source code is under the GPL we wouldn't have to sell it on to the GP32 community.

It runs on the ARM processor ... excellent
It requires 8mb of ram ... dealable
It requires 70mb of space ... YOWCH but also dealable

Will look into it...

- Rico

edit: That mod runs on a 386 because it's flat-shaded, not textured... it would look crap but OTOH run fast and take up a hell of a lot less RAM
I think I'd rather play doom, then that. Someone should port zdoom to gp32, It would be cool to see something use mouse look on a hand held system.
commercial quake or not, i think bouth would be awesome...
also a new doom version (zdoom or not) which support the Doom 1/2 wad and deh system would be great!!! i just wait for both!
I'd love to see Doom completed off before Quake. Doom was the classic stepping stone from Wolf3D. Is anyone working on the Doom sound/save game bits?
What is the status of the Doom port? The last I heard sound and game save *almost* worked, but it wasn't compiled.

Craig, didn't you mention something about that?
Doom 2 gave me nightmares when I was little...

P.S. How would mouse look work on the gp32?
It doesn't. You move left and right, and if you fire it seems to kill people wherever they are, vertically, on the screen.

/me has only played first two levels
well zDoom seemed very promising as it had those mods, just need to find someone to port it